Hi I’ve been taking Flecainide for the last 12 months originally started on 50 mg twice daily then increased to 100 mg twice daily. Since I’ve upped the dosage I seem to be left with a tipsy head fuzzy head and my vision just doesn’t quite seem right. I wondered if anyone else has experienced this with the Flecainide ?
Flecainide : Hi I’ve been taking... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I didn't feel well when my flec was increased from 50 to 100 twice a day. Based on my Kardia ekg on my home treadmill, my ep wanted me to come in for a proper exercise ekg to make sure that it was safe for me to continue on the higher dose. Periodic ekg's and an exercise ekg where indicated, are prudent for someone taking flecainide because of the potential negative effects it can have on your heart rhythm.
Hi Prince.
I can only talk from personal experience.
Nope, I didn't have any of the side effects you mention. I would guess you were on 50mg twice a day for about 6 weeks before the dose was upped to 100mg twice daily. This gives your body time to adjust. It's likely your body will adjust to the higher dose as well - you'll need to give it a bit of time though. This could be 6 days or 6 weeks - if you have concerns talk to your medic.
Edit - just re-read your OP again. As you have been on it for 12 months maybe discuss with your doctor about meeting halfway if it continues eg 75mg twice a day then upping it to 100mg in a month or so. Don't do this though without talking to your doctor first.
Check your BP as it crashed mine big time, which might explain your head and vision issues.
I have had both these symptoms on Flecainide 100mg twice a day. But they didn't start till I'd been on the dose for several years!! I have issues with anxiety on occasion so tend to blame that for all new symptoms and have always assumed just old age and misery. Also have dry eyes and have had cataracts removed a few years ago and eyes lasered for hazy capsule since, so not at all convinced it's the flecainide, though I know there is some evidence it increases risk of cataracts. The fuzzy head is not low BP and links more with stress for me.
My Flec dose was also increased to 200mgs per day. Took around 3 months to feel normal again but no known side effects such as you describe. As heart drugs go I understand it is one of the 'old' tried and tested ones, so your medic should be able to handle your query.
I'm with Paul, you can consider a 75mg X2 or 50mg am and 75mg pm depending on when you tend to get your AF. Dizziness and feeling weird in the head are what I experienced at initial upload of 50mg X2 but if I took 150mg as PiP for troublesome episodes the Flecainide I'd often experience those symptoms you describe, even though by then id adapted. I made the choice to have a lower everyday dose and take extra as PiP when needed. Get advice on this though.
I've taken 300mg plus 10mg bisop to put me back in sinus twice with no problems
I most definitely noticed blurred peripheral vision an hour after taking my daily Flecainide. It would last about an hour. I was on the drug for a few years when I suddenly developed cataracts in both eyes. My eye doctor was surprised by them coming on so quickly for someone in their mid-60s (which I was at the time). After the eye surgeries, and a new electrophysiologist, I'm on new meds and the eye disturbances disappeared.
As others here note, if you've done well on 50mg. daily for a year, perhaps your body will adjust to the higher dose in time. You don't mention how long you've been on the 100 mg. I've been on 50mg. twice daily for a year, down from the higher dose I was on before my cryo ablation a year ago and it seems to be working. I had an exam with the opthalmologist two months ago and are supposedly OK. So, there are two options at this point:. 1.) Give you body time to adjust . 2.) Consult with your doctor on your symptoms and possibly a compromise dose. Good luck!
There are probably as many different Flec symptoms people experience as there are thoughts on triggers for Afib. I have been on Flec for over 15 years now and am taking 125mg 2x a day since August. Have bounced on and off a "pill in the pocket routine" to "daily usage" with increasing dosage levels several times over those years. I'm 69 and never had tipsy or fuzzy head issues. I believe I see some impact on my stamina when exercising but prefer those to being in Afib.
Yes I had exactly the same symptoms that you describe when my Flecanide was increased to that dose. I also had tremors. My cardio nurse suggested spliting the dose to 50 mg three times a day.I found that this works a lot better for me and controls the AF really well. I take one at 11am , one at 5pm and one at 11 pm. Hope that helps.
I too have taken the same dose of Flecainide. It never gave me any problems. I have since been taken off of it, as my Cardiologist no longer thinks it necessary. I did not have an episode of Afib in the past four years. He said, he thought the Pill in the Pocket approach was better for me, than taking a daily dose. In the time since I have only had two very short episodes and did not resort to taking the pills. I occasionally have some lightheadedness that I had blamed on the Flec, but it still happens from time to time, so I no longer think it had anything to do with the Flec. I have neck issues, and think that is what is the cause. Everything else has been ruled out.