I rear somewhere the taking lansoprazole stops Apixiban (anticoagulant)from working properly? Has me concerned as i'm takijg both and don't want another stroke or acid reflex. Does anyone know about this as i cant seem to find anything more about it.
Lansoprazole : I rear somewhere the... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I am on these two tablets. I have looked everywhere and cant find any interactions. If you find a reference please let me know! X

I have not heard of this before but I do have some comments . Many of the NOACs need an acid stomach to absorb so there may be a grain of truth here. In addition , the stomach needs an acid stomach to work. The sphincter at the base needs acid to open and pass food down to the next stage of digestion and I have heard that long term use of PPIs can actually promote reflux by holding food in the stomach. I know I am not the only one who stopped using such drugs when the circle completed and the condition returned or worsened. Worth discussing with you doctor I think.
It is a problem with these interactions isn't it? It's the bit about diabling the Apixiban that worries me. Must refer to gp i think and maybe can reduce lansoprazole? I take 30mg a day caps at the moment. Maybe someone else knows more? I think the information is quite new.
Why are you asking the lansoprazole?
Doctors know very little about the interactions in my experience though they can look them up on the internet - my GP was not aware that as Bob says - you need an acid stomach for the stomach contents to empty. When it doesn't the acid pushes up the oesophagus causing indigestion and acid burns, hence the pain. Madness to prescribe PPIs or antacids for acid reflux in my opinion!
Found it on
Drugs.com dont know how to share so can you all use your ow pc? Says intercation between eliquis and lansoprozole/naproxen MAJOR. May increase risk of bleeding. Phoned my cadio and he said thet were okay to take but i'm still going to check with gp on monday.
Bit confused, Naproxen is a NSAID painkiller which should not be used with Apixaban. Where does Lansaparole come in? No interaction with Apixaban according to Drugs.com.
Have no idea, Buffafly. I only know what i read but needs to be checked i think.
The NSAIDs which cause bleeds, with or without anti-coagulants. No-one with AF or taking anticoagulants should ever be taking NSAIDs.
Oh dear, i am resonabley able to check these interations myself but wouldn't it be wonderful to actually be able to have total confidence in the professionals. I try not to worry about tomorrow but am i really being unreasonable when i expect continuety. Never see the same gp twice, can't get an appointment for at least two weeks and need to check on everything that is said. What do little old ladies with no family and no transport do when they need help? Thank goodness for this site but what about those people who have no accessto it? Just a thought!
Absolutely true. Unfortunately some GPs are less methodical and knowledgeable and up to date than others. Their job is mad much harder these days because of the plethora of medicines, so much knowledge being available and many different specialist areas and they can no longer know it all - which may be against the grain for some!!! Others are absolutely brilliant!!!
In my professional (business) career it was expected that I would continue to keep up to date with new developments in the field and also build on my technical knowledge and expertise known as CPD (continuous professional development). I worked long hours - commuting by 7.30am and often working into the evening - ‘full on’ but was still required to keep up with my technical knowledge - which was often done out of working hours. I appreciate that ‘medicine’ moves rapidly but, seriously, your common -or -garden GP currently is hardly overworked (or disincentivised by low pay) and, going by current working hours and by how long it takes to get an appointment (2 weeks is now common) they surely have plenty of time to prepare - and consult Dr Google even - b4 they have you in front of them. I speak with 3 score years and 10 experience of many family GPs in my geographically diverse career, including those practising in developing countries, and not a few of today’s cohort really do fall short and, IMO can’t be called overworked, underpaid and undervalued. It’s time to recognise that ‘the king has no clothes’ …….
I am on both and have not heard this. My GP is pretty clued up but I will ask.
Thanks Gertsen. Can you let me know what he says please. I think this maybe something newly discovered maybe..?
My EP put me on pantoprazole for a month after ablation and I also take Apixaban when I questioned it he said he likes his patients to take it for a month to help with gastric problems
??? to self - Why would anyone take a medication that is not required nor requested for a 'maybe' side effect? ???
Methinks many doctors prescribe a little too much, too often, too quickly. I know my doctors also prescribed pantoprazole for another med I take which tends to cause some gastric discomfort in some people but I refused it as I know it can be the source of many more side effects - for which you end up taking another med - and so the cycle continues - madness!
I agree with CDreamer about not taking unnecessary medicines because there's always a small risk of side effects and interactions.
This reminds me of an article I read over 6 months ago. A woman in her 70s or 80s went to see her new GP about a new problem. Her old GP had retired. Anyway the new GP decided to do a medicine review first since she was on 8 or 10 medications. GP found that medicine A was prescribed and then medicine B was prescribed to counteract a side effect then medicines C and D. However by stopping A and prescribing a different medicine the other 3 could be stopped. Then proceeded to eliminate some of the others. In the end she ended up on two or possibly three medicines. No doubt felt much better got that.
I think he wanted me to take it to stop further irritation caused by the toe to my esophagus by reflux anyway. Have finished them now no side effects thank good ness. But understand. What you are saying xx