Dors anyone know if i have to be careful what pain medication i take if I'm on Apixaban and Metaprolol?
Pain medication. : Dors anyone know if... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Pain medication.
Normally paracetamol is fine but if you have AF you must never take Ibuprofen or any similar . regardless of what drugs you may be on since Ibruprofen is know to be a cause of AF. Codeine should also be fine in small doses.
Anything aspirin based or any of the anti-inflammatories normally shouldn't be taken with Apixaban (which I take). My GP advised paracetamol for mild pain and prescribed co-codamol for toothache.
I have a lot of joint pain and my doctor prescribed Solpadol (30mg Codine/500mg paracetamal) same as Co-Codamol. Since AF definately no Ibrupofen or any ati-inflammatary drugs. They do not work as well as anti-inflammatory meds. Oh he did give me Tramadol once when I had really bad pain but it sent me away with the fairies!
Ginger is a very powerful anti-inflammatory - I include 1/4 in of peeled ginger into a morning smoothie and also take at least 1gm of Glucosomine daily (on advice of arthritis Dr) and have found this has greatly reduced the amount of inflammation and therefor pain.
I don't take any meds.
I take apixaban and dr prescribed co-codamol for me : it works well to easy pain and safe with apixaban
The golden rule is that those on anticoagulants do NOT take NSAIDs except under strict rare medical supervision.
But, the BNF says, chapter 10, "The selective inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase-2, etoricoxib and celecoxib are as effective as non selective NSAIDs ... Short term data indicate that the risk of serious upper gaxtro-intestinal events is lower with selective inhibitors."
Check the INR interactions if you go down this route.
we advise they take a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) as well for stomach protection, since most bleeds are from the gastrointestinal (digestive) tract,” .
So, there are selective NSAIDs that can be tried, with a PPI for stomach protection.