Recently diagnosed with PAF. Phoned my travel insurance to update my policy and after answering all questions I was declined for worldwide cover but ok for Europe. Is this common for us PAF people?
Travel Insurance: Recently diagnosed... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Travel Insurance

Not at all. Shop around. The only time you may have problems is if you are still under investigation or awaiting tests.

Hi bairns36
No not common.
You can usually get cover worldwide excluding USA (of course crazy prices) with only a small premium, and you can get cover inc US with a larger premium.
The critical thing usually about travel insurance if are you waiting for any procedure or results of tests, once diagnosed and stable, it's not normally a problem. Of course premiums are age related and dependent on your particular health conditions.
Search the forum many recommendations for insurance.
Be well
I assume you are talking about annual insurance. If so then that is what I have found.
My AF has resolved through 6 years of medical treatment ( I get the occasional twinge, but my 12 hours of AF every 9 days or so has disappeared after taking Flecainide and Bisopralol ) - I got worldwide insurance through Aviva, although I've had to pay an extra premium.
No, I got mine easily through royal bank of Scotland as I have just turned 70 there was an increase of £50 and PAF was another £80 for a year worldwide.
I've an annual worldwide policy and disclosed my AF. I filled out a supplementary health declaration form and paid an extra premium. Does anyone know what attitude insurers take if you have had an ablation and have no current symptoms?
Thank you for the information. My insurance is with TSB through AXA I believe. Yesterday's call was with someone asking questions and putting ticks or crosses in a box then no worldwide cover decision. No room for discussion just computer says no. Only reason given was cost. I was never given option to pay excess. Don't know if it's worth phoning back and trying to speak to an underwriter.