Hi All !
I thought I would post to share my upcoming ablation with you all. Hopefully I can share my experience with you, and be in a position to offer reassurance to anyone who may need it. My operation is on the 1st of December, and is at St Barts. I'm 53 now, and have been suffering from irregular heartbeat for probably over twenty years. Recently I have been taking flecanide, (50mg, twice daily) which has seemed to help. I also take Atenolol .
Unfortunately it took a long while to get a diagnosis for my A Fib, the doctors thought I was too young ! Sadly I struggled for a few years on my own, not knowing what was happening to me. Thankfully, now after meeting a good cardiologist and being passed onto a specialist, help has come my way.
I have only seen the consultant a few months ago, and he said he would get me in as an urgent case. This is due to the fact I am now at risk of going into permanent AF.
When I was around thirty to thirty two, my heart used to speed up very fast. It would beat very fast and hard, and would last about twenty miniutes . Also had a lot of ectopic beats. This was the original reason I was put on Atenolol, I believe the docs thought it was stress related !
I spoke to the recent consultant about this, and the doc from Barts said it was a node ? I can't quite remember what he said, although he said he will look for it during the ablation. This will also be dealt with at the same time, although he said these things can burn themselves out over time.
I have also had to start on warfarin, my INR is still not 2.5. My dosage has been put up to 6mg daily, although there is not much time till the op, so hopefully the blood test this Tuesday will show it to have risen from 2.2 to 2.5.
Having A Fib can be a lonely experience. How do you explain to people that you can't come out, because your heart is jumping all over the place ! There have been bad times at work, where I have never said anything to anyone. People just don't understand.
I'm finding my immediate friends, and close family are really worried. I am the one playing it all down and offering them reassurance !
I'm not sure how long I will have to take off work ? Will I be in pain afterwards ? If I let my imagination run wild, I imagine I will have a stroke or a heart attack during the procedure ! Or that my heart is so damaged by these constant irregular beats ! Oh well, I have said it now, these are my fears. I'm sure I'm not alone with these, well hope so. My hypochondriac side emerging !
I have also been told my procedure will be done under GA. On a positive, I am looking forward to some time without the worry of the AF, maybe having some energy.
I will really look forward to hearing from all you guys. All for one, and one for all. xx