After much deliberation my EP is now going to do a second ablation. I feel very fortunate as he is doing it with another electrophysiologist present. He said i am a complex case due to multifocal faults or something. I don't really understand it all to be honest. I am scared of the risks of this. How did anyone else over come the fear of risks with ablation? The first one i had i was scared but not this scared as he said this is more risky. Any advice greatly appreciatedans anyone else who has had multifocal whatever it is lol
2nd ablation: After much deliberation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
2nd ablation

Vony I had three before I was sorted. After the first I knew what to expect so no fear. Yes there are risk in everything but also just as many in doing nothing. You are in good hands so relax.
Did you have straight forward AF Bob or more complex arrythmias? My EP said if this were just AF it would be much easier so that is why i am scared. Thank you for the reply
Straight forward AF? Is there such a thing? Why do you think it took three ablations? I don't get AF any more but I do have other arrhythmias but these are no hassle in general.
My EP described it as 'common garden' AF which is what most people get and it can be treated more easily with PVI etc from what I understand. But I am not an EP so I do not understand the ins and outs. Even my general cardiologist has said he is limited in understanding my case. So yes, AF can take more than 1 ablation to sort but I think it is still relatively straight forward. I hope your other arrythmias continue to remain hassle free and you continue to enjoy good health. You are so lucky
I have had 2 ablations and it looks like a 3rd is likely. My first took about 5 hours as they had a few problems. I was awake and their amazing manner throughout told me I was in great hands. The second one wasn't half as bad as they were armed with all the information from the first and knew what to expect. It sounds like they know what to be prepared for with yours.
Good luck!

Thank you Richard. Good advice. I am petrified to be honest.
Everyone I'm sure goes into these with great trepidation. At the end of the day the heart is a vital organ. My way though it was my confidence in the team and knowing what the outcome of it was going to be - an improvement in the quality of my life. Speak to them about your fears and let them explain the risks. The risks are often a very small percentage.
Hello Vony - you've really been through it with this condition and I hope that the second go will nail it for you once and for all.
I think that we live in the same part of the country - if I remember your posts correctly. If so, then you have a superb team, especially with the most recent appointment there and I would be full of hope at the expertise they have.
Wishing you all the very best - please do PM me if you wish to.
Thank you so much Finvola for your reassuring and lovely words. I do have a lot of faith in my EP. He is very holistic and includes me in every discussion and decision...but sometimes the responsibility of deciding what to do is overwhelming especially as i have young children and want to make the right decisions to be a healthy mum for them. If that makes sense?! Thanks again xx
Hi. I am soon to have my second ablation and should not worry as the first was fine. However, it was a " big deal " to me and it will be the next time too. I think it is just the mental build up that is the problem. Before the last one i had 6 sessions of hypnotherapy which worked well at helping me not to overthink in the lead up to the procedure. This time i am doing a minfulness course and that is helping too.
It is not strange to worry but try to do something to help yourself so that you dont become over anxious. Good luck with everything and we can compare notes afterwards. I am expecti.g mine in April although this is a moveable feast! X