Hey guys, I know you're not medically trained but just want some friendly advise if this rhythm looks normal as I could feel my heart pounding.
Thanks in advance x
Hey guys, I know you're not medically trained but just want some friendly advise if this rhythm looks normal as I could feel my heart pounding.
Thanks in advance x
Is that an HR app on your phone Sophie? I have one on my iPhone which I have used occasionally and it produces some very "Tate Modern" patterns!
If it is an app then I wouldn't worry too much about the wiggly line. Mine does seem to be fairly accurate with the actual HR but the "trace" is pretty meaningless. As far as it goes it looks regular enough and you noticing your heart is probably more to do with us AFers being more heart aware.
"WinterWatch" has just started so watch that and forget about AF!
Hey oldbuzzard ☺️ It is an app it's always been really accurate in producing my heart rate and this is the first one I've noticed that's not looked like the others. X
That looks nothing like even a basic ECG trace so either scrap the app or stop worrying.
If you really want to see what is what get an Alivecor but try not to get obsessive about these things.
Sophie. Definitely worth getting an AliveCor if you can afford one as they give a printout that EPs accept and some GPs (some because many GPs don't know AliveCors exist!!!). Also AliveCors are stored and you can put comments against.
Thanks Peter, have you got a link? ☺️ X
AFA weren't selling them directly a month ago but had a link through to Amazon. There is also at kleat 1 other UK company that sells them. You can do a search (but restrict to UK - you probably know that anyway!!!). If you have iPhone and one or two others you can buy one that clips on - but it still works if you don't clip it on.
Feel free to ask further questions.
If that's the first one that looked funny, then try again, maybe something wrong at the time! I have had some funny looking ones from AliveCor but I think it was because I moved.
It just looks like an ectopic. That's probably why you felt a 'bang' in your chest. Nothing to worry about.
It looks like my writing!
Take your pulse manually and if it really is irregular, go and see your GP for a referral. I'm assuming you haven't been diagnosed with arrhythmia Sophie? If you have then just scrap the App - it's rubbish.
My alivecor is great, if i ever had any worries i used to email my ecg's to the hospital, been in nsr for about 3 months after my ablation but still use it sometimes if im feeling im having the odd blip
Looks like my handwriting. Probably just as clear.
My advice is ignore it I had an app from the arrhythmia alliance website and I was ocd with it and it looked like I had an irregular and fast rate but a three day each revealed ectopics only. I have since scraped app. Sometimes they can do more harm than good. I'm paranoid enough without them all. I now take my pulse manually old school and as long as that's ok it's just my anxiety and ectopics. Have to say so pie that my big ectopics are so like the start of my old svt that I do panic and they do scare me. Speak to your ep is my advice xx
I a nurse and an af patient ( ex hopefully if the ablation worked) and that is NOT a rhythm at all,not one you would be breathing and upright for anyway . Do not worry it's an app fault.
Take care