Anyone else get this going on ?
Very cold during AF attacks - Atrial Fibrillati...
Very cold during AF attacks

Hi Elaine
I definitely do not suffer from being cold during AF events. Quite the opposite, my temperature seems to spike and if I am standing, I feel like I am going to pass out.
Yes, Elaine I very frequently find myself very cold during a bout of fast AF. I don't know why this should be but it doesn't always happen ....probably the faster the rate and maybe the fear factor comes into it as this as more prevalent in the earlier days . My history goes back 23 years with 15 DC cardioversions and 3 ablations along the way .

Thank you for the reply. The v cold feeling is grim. Feels like circulation has gone !
It's not very pleasant ....makes the episodes feel far worse .

Good to know I'm not alone. May I ask what you feel triggers your episodes. I'm 65 and slim with recent AF ionset
Yes I get so cold the hospital wrap me in a huggy bear which is like bubble wrap into which they blow very warm air. i shiver and shake so much and the feeling comes from my very core not like the cold when you go out in the snow it's entirely different.
Af affects us in so many different ways but cold is always my experience.
Good to know I'm not alone. May I ask what you feel triggers your episodes. I'm 65 and slim with recent AF ionset
Hi Elaine, I too am slim and in my 60s. Without doubt stress is my main trigger. Also I try to keep off some foods as I have a hiatus hernia and can have vagal stimulated af. I keep away from pork, Chinese food and tea and coffee to try to mitigate against onset but if we have a predisposition to af these things are triggers not causes.
I maintain that a lifetime of stress and anxiety has been the main protagonist but my dad and cousin had late onset af so there is a familial element for me too. I have svt and aflutter too. Hey ho.
Be well.
Hi elaine
Im the opposite i can tell imgoing into af as myface getsvery warm and thenthe weird feeling from my lungs as i breathe. When ive told hospital docs about these symptoms they just dismiss it and tell me the pain will go away.which itdoes as my heart rate returns to normal. My sessions dont last long at all so i guess im lucky in that respect
Good luck in coping with this body malfunction.
Hi , I have A F and pulmonary Fibrosis , so never sure which is the problem ,
In the past I have had problems with getting very cold and violently shaking,
covered myself in everything warm i could find - hot drinks etc . before long i was throwing them off as i had gone to the other extreme.lasted for about 30 min.
went to hospital one time [999 ] ,sending me home ok when i started again ,
trainee doctor came to see me , gave me paracetamol - works every time for me
Thank you for the what an ordeal. Paracetamol. Interesting.