anyone else get the need to go every 10 minutes during an episode ? What causes it ?
urinating during AF episodes - Atrial Fibrillati...
urinating during AF episodes

I have had this happenmalways vast quantities for no reason I can explain but it is not routine. particularly inconvenient when it happens during an A and E visit.
Normal. But don't forget to hydrate to replace the fluids even if it rains more bathroom trips.

The distressed heart secretes an enzyme which tells the body to shed salt which i does in this way. Pefectly normal. Stay well hydrated though.
Yes, and at times only just make it to the bathroom! Also, much more! It seems to have a mind of its own. With that and loads of gas, it’s a colourful time.
Not sure what causes it but it is a common very upsetting side effect.
I always have that problem and it is a sure sign that I am in AF.
When an episode kicks off the atria stretches, this produces (ANP) atrial natrieuratic peptide, it promotes excessive urination which in turns dumps sodium and controls the blood pressure. Why some of us get it and not others I can not answer but it is very inconvenient.
Yes! I thought I was the only one and a bit crazy!
Body trying to regulate sodium to control blood pressure in the wake of crazy heart rhythm, and electrolytes.Dehydration drops blood pressure
Totally normal, but annoying.
Just another little delight!
I got that with afib, but with my new tachycardia I find ever time it flips past it's the bowels that get active. Some sort of fight or flight link I think as I : Fast HR usually means danger therefore body goes into F or F mode of which pooing is one reaction. That's my guess....
Absolutely, its the body's way of getting rid of sodium, a real nuisance lol, remember to drink plenty of water during this time to keep hydrated.
I can't say what causes it unless it is the body's 'fight or flight' mechanism stimulating the production of urine or the kidneys, but it is certainly the case that it occurs in AF episodes for me.
Yes - every time - it is a blessed nuisance!
I get this too during an AFib episode. I have found out that the medical term is polyuria. I have though noticed that recently (in the last 2 or 3 months) that it also occurs when I am not having an AFib episode.
I also note that the urine is very dilute, almost clear.
However if dark urine is a sign of dehydration am I actually dehydrated if it is very light?
I guess it does no harm to drink some extra water but it does feel odd.
I have read of it ad its cause and it must be one of the varieties of AF that some get as I don't have it, and the few I know with it don't either. I do have odd times when I get frequent urination and have had this for years, but it seems not to be associated with AF.
I had read in the past that when the heart is under physical stress, it releases a diuretic type hormone as a natural emergency-type means of reducing the demand upon it although quite how urination does this, I never understood.
I awoke with a sore head, didn't look in the mirror at 2am.
I returned to sleep afte going to loo.
Awoke at 5.30am I didn't make the toilet. Looked in mirror I had had a stroke.
I was diagnosed with stroke and rapid, persistent AF. 4 days add thyroid cancer.
Urgency is there and sometimes don't make it.
Yes, pads I won't take the chance.
cherio JOY 75. (NZ)
Poor you. Isn't it difficult with all the problems we face. Thinking of you.Hoping my blood thinners will stop me having a stroke. Big 🤗
I am sure it will go a long way to prevent it.
A friend 82 forgot to re plenish her stock of PRADAXA 110 x twice day. I'm not sure how long but perhaps a week. She went home home to the farm with her visitors. She had a mild stroke.
Well, it does remind us to keep a plentiful supply?
One of my changing heart specialist reviewed my pick up PRADAXA and decided that I had missed a 3 mth period.
He put it in his report. I would have none of that. I got a printout from Chemist. Made sure it was in my file and talked abput it at the next 18mth meeting with another H/Specialist.
I have 3 ops since 2020 and from 2019 the stroke, each one asking to stop 3 clear 24hr days before op. then waiting for 2 days after the anaesthetist is best. My surgeon made a mistake last op. He said start the day after whereas the anaesthetist sais 2 days after a full 48 hrs after op.
But sometimes the anaesthetist may put something in the fusion of the saline drip.
cheri JOY
Yes, do need to go more frequently. Apparently, the heart releases some sort of hormone during AF which increases peeing.
yes I do thought it was just me
yes always! For the first 2 hours this happens. I was told it is due to a chemical released during Afib that stimulates the kidneys. Don’t forget to hydrate. Only happens to about 15% of people with Afib. Aren’t we lucky!!
No - never happened to me and I use lots of salt!!!
Yes happens to me too and what has surprised me is not many medical people know about it. I counted 13 trips to the loo in two hours and then the next time it happened I measured 5 pints. I always drink lots of coconut water and have rehydration powders afterwards. Sometimes it's the first sign I'm having/about to have AF episode.
It’s a long time since I had an episode but I seem to remember that happening and it has been mentioned here quite often.
Yes I do too sometimes every 5 minutes that is often one of the first signs. I thought it was just me. I also get nauseous and loose bowels too .
Happens, it’s an AFIB thing, nothing wrong with your bladder. Hydrate.
Yes, but not with every episode.
My cardiologist included the following in a letter to my GP:
“He has polyuria with episodes of atrial fibrillation which is well described, the reflex being an increase in NTproBNP when the atria stretched.”
I am glad to know this as the usual connection of NTproBNP is with congestive heart failure. This is shown on the Wikipedia page for NTproBNP but was also the response of another cardiologist in the same clinic 3 years earlier. He had actually dismissed any connection of polyuria with AFib.
Therefore this thread is extremely informative.
Drink a lot to replace the fluids and by drink mean water/tea etc!! I always weigh myself to see how much I have lost overnight when I have one of these wonderful times. Most of water weight loss has been 7lbs so far.
The frequent need to urinate during an afib episode is caused by a release of a hormone from the heart called “atrial natriuretic peptide” (ANP). It triggers a release of urine to protect the heart and lower blood pressure.
Happens every time with me as well, ever 15 minutes for the first hour, glad I am not the only one who suffers from this.
Yes, definitely common for me when I was in afib.
i have this too-i guess it means i have to wear a diaper when im on an airplane? Has anyone had this happen when they are flying? How do you handle it?
Yes I get the same, dry mouth which makes you drink more water (obvious for hydration) hence more trips to the loo!! Only trouble I have is that I suffer bad pre-syncope with these events which causes me to feel very faint, hence I’ve been on my hands and knees getting to the toilet! ☹️☹️
Yes I have also had this happen when I am only in tachycardia for an extended period of time. I suppose the trigger is the same as during AF. The body has a wonderful system of hormones that are constantly working to stabilize us, especially under distress/stress.
How about every FIVE minutes. Yes yes yes. Drives me totally crazy ... and very embarrassing.
Yes. I read some where when your in A Fib it’s a hormone released that makes you pass urine more … 🤷♀️
Yes but only for the first couple of hours of the episode. Luckily most of my episodes start between 11pm and 4am so I am not out and about. Also the amount voided seems to have reduced with time. My first episode was so embarrassing - I had to go in the ambulance!
always! Settles down after a while but keep hydrating!!
i’m so glad to read that this is a normal response because I always get this with AF episodes and when I mentioned it to my doctor she had no idea why. I don’t know where all the liquid manages to come from there’s so much of it. Totally ruins the night sleep.!! Good to be reminded to drink because dehydration is very bad and all sorts of ways especially for those of us who are getting old!