I have exercise induced asthma. I only worked that out at the start of 2015 (I thought the asthma symptoms were heart related).
I got Afib for the first time in April (2015), sorted it out and was med free from June through to end September when I got Afib again. Since early October I have been on 200mg flec/day.
So by the time I went on to flec i was still learning how to manage the asthma.
Since I started flec I have been trying to learn how best to manage the flec and the asthma...and maintain a reasonable level of fitness.
It seems to me like the flec accentuates the asthma (the triggers are at much lower thresholds). If i push myself too hard now I get asthma symptoms even if I have used the pump. I now try avoid pushing myself as its not worth it.
Anyone else with similar experiences of asthma and flex?