hi guys and girls, has anyone here got asthma as well as afib.? I ask this because my asthma although mainly seasonal hasn’t been treated as well as I thought this last good few years.!! have recently been placed on the new FOSTAIR inhaler, instead of the preventer spray (brown) and ventilin( blue to be used as and when.
I take just 2 doses on a morning and same before bed. My breathing is now totally different from what it was and my exhale breath reading is now a lot higher too. I breathe with ease now instead of struggling a little.! but Iv noticed my afib has been none existent since I started this new treatment too.! And My days/ weeks long ectopics runs have also not made any appearances which is very surprising to be honest.! I’d be interested to know if anyone else has an asthma meds change and noticed any difference.??
thankyou you lovely peoples.
And all the best.