Sat on my sofa HR racing. Took a 1.25 Bisoprol at 10.p.m would it be safe to take another now? Thanks
2.00am is a lonely time.: Sat on my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
2.00am is a lonely time.
Oh sending a cyber hug to you...I know how horrible it is especially at this time in a morning. I cant give advice but my doc said I could take 1.25 as my normal dose and another 4 hours later.maybe ring 111 to find out for certain x x x
A few weeks ago I rang 111 (at almost the same time in the morning) to ask the same question, having taken 2.5mg Bisoprolol and no effect 4 hours later.
They said they were unable to advise me on the phone - said I needed to be monitored after that length of time with tachycardia, which required a trip to A and E, where I was given another 2.5mg straight away, and another 4 hours later. 111 service is quite limited in what they are allowed to do, but I did find that it reassured me that I would not be wasting anyone's time in going to A and E, especially at that lonely time when there is no one else to speak to.
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I took 10mg of bisoprolol did not stop the AF brought HR down a little doc told me it is a rate control drug not rhythm ended up in ER having aCV on 23dec
Hi Roy, how are you finding taking the bisoprol? I've been prescribed it and am wondering about the side effects. Thanks.
Hi Carriewoods.
I have been taking Bisoprol 1.25mg for a few years now with no side effects whatsoever. Cheers
Hi, personally for myself it knicked me for six (thought was the PAF I had just been diagnosed with, but my life quality was so bad the Cardio told me to stop it (only on 1.5 ) felt wonderful after couple dats .now take metoprolol as pill in pocket !! BUT sure some people get on fine with it , syck it and see 😊
bit late but was it just fast or was it irregular ?
Thanks for the reply it was fast (for me anyway) and lumpy. cheers
I carry 5mg Bisoprolol as a "pill in the pocket" and have been told to take another 5mg if still in AF 2 hours later. Max daily dose is 10mg. It does slow the heart rate a lot so I was told to only take the second dose if my heart rate was still high. I've had to do this twice now and although it didn't kick me out of AF immediately, it did mean I didn't need to go to A&E and the AF stopped after a couple of hours.