Hello all! New guy here. I've been browsing the forums for a few months now but haven't posted anything. Just wanted to let you guys know how helpful it has been to hear all of your stories and how much I appreciate it. For some background I'm a 28 year old fella from the states. Have had diagnosed PAF since 2011 (though ectopics and the like I experienced for years beforehand). Episodes always start in my sleep and are fast (160-215bpm). Had about 1 episode every 7-11 months for the first few years and then nothing for almost 4 years. In November I had the most hellishly symptomatic episode I have ever experienced followed by another in early January. With my age my EP really does not want me on meds for the long term if at all avoidable, so I'm in for my cryo PVI next Wednesday. Of course a bit nervous, but I know doing this at 28 will be far better than years from now when the afib likely becomes persistent. Thanks again everyone for sharing your stories and giving me a place to quell some of my fears. Cheers!