Thanks for all responses to meds question. Another, when your dear heart is playing up and your lying down,is there a suggested way which is preferable? Back, right side or left side or it just doesn't matter. Here on hols in Llandudno , mine playing up ,a bit , but trying to keep calm ! Thanks guys just knowing your all out there is helping. Will be seeing cardiologist when an appointment comes through to discuss medication. Take care everyone.
Another question.: Thanks for all... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Another question.

It's best not to lie on your left side as you can feel your heart beating in that position. When you have AF you become very heart aware.
Enjoy Llandudno, the Jewel of North Wales.
I can only sleep on my right side, or on a good night, on my back. With some people I understand it can be the other way round but less likely I guess as your heart is on the left.

We are all different. Find what suits you is best advice.
I find being at approx 45 degrees (!!) and very slightly to the left suits!!
If your heart is playing up it is best to lie on your back slightly or as much as you can propped up.
Not on the left side, don't know why!
I've never thought about that before.
I sleep on my right can't sleep on my left.
Thanks hope llanfudnois good. Live just up the "road" in Bangor.
Enjoy. Try not worry.
Everyone is different in terms of their favourite sleeping positions, but I prefer to lie in a way which doesn't allow me to feel my heart beating as much. If either ear is to the pillow ( i.e. I am not flat on my back) I can feel my heart beating which is bad news for AF sufferers who are acutely conscious of such things. In my opinion, the less you can feel the heart the more you tend to relax. Whether it makes any difference at all is debatable, but I definitely avoid sleeping on my left side. I also find having a radio on or some other noise e.g. a relaxation tape, ocean sounds etc is a good distraction from your heart. The stress can be compounded in the silence as you feel quite alone ( my wife sleeps very soundly!) so a little pleasant noise in the background is actually quite calming for me. God luck
Hya, bent double does it for me. Trouble is this position is not helpful when you`re trying to sleep! Still it`s lovely just to stop the irregular heart beat :0)
Lying on the left side is good for digestion because of the way the stomach is situated. Putting a pillow behind your back and leaning against it can relieve some of the pressure of the rib cage on the bed, thus reducing the perceived strength of the pulse.
Lying on the back is not good because in that position gravity pulls the upper palate down, which closes off the airway. That's the cause of snoring and sleep apnea. If you prefer this position, put a firm, thin pillow under your shoulder blade to lift one side up an inch or two. Then tilt your head to the opposite side and tuck your regular pillow between that shoulder (on top of it) and your chin. That way you'll get the benefit of sleeping on your back but without the risk of apnea.
If you're just lying down and are unlikely to fall asleep, there's no need to tilt your head sideways.
Went into hospital with an AF attack (I thought) and came out three weeks later with a pacemaker. I learned that the best way to sleep was upright on the adjustable hospital bed in the cardio section. Can't afford the bed but have constructed a nest with judicious use of pillows and once I am upright, I stay upright. Result: I am back to my normal sleeping pattern of 6hours. Try it and give my best wishes to Llandudno; spent many hours there as a Tour Guide accompanying groups through Wales. Good luck
When I was in persistent af before I had a successful Cardioversion I could not lie on my back at all, I found it incredibly uncomfortable. I did and still do tend to go to sleep on my right side with my arms out in front of me with a pillow between them.
I hope you find a comfy position so you can get a good rest. It's such a tiring condition
hi because of a back condition I can't lye on my sides, always on my back. I note that if my AF starts during the night I sit up and eventually at the moment at least it goes back into sinus, I also find if I'm too hot it will set my heart off sometimes.