I went for my 3 month post ablation appointment today. I am glad to say that I saw my consultant and not the nurse although,she is also very good. He says that I can now start to come off flecanide: 200 mg for 2 weeks 100 mg for 2 weeks then stop altogether. He doesn't anticipate a problem as I have had no A.F. since the procedure. I am very nervous about this and like Bob , think I may hang on to the last 50mg for an extra week or two! If I experience any A.F. I have to note it down and take enough flecanide to control it.
I have to stay on bisoprolol till my 6 month appointment.
He was going to take me off warfarin as he thought my score was only one ( for being female ) but when I reminded him that I had had 3 T.I.A.s previously , he changed his mind as that gave me a score of 3. I will be on it for life which is fine by me.
He said that although it took a long time , it was a textbook procedure whatever that means.
SO, Here we go, fingers and toes crossed for the next stage. I can't believe I've come so far. A big thanks to all of you on here who have been with me through it all. X