Is anyone else having this problem? Most of the time I am not able to read locked posts (including my own). It is very frustrating! Techies are supposed to be working on it but no help yet.....
Locked out: Is anyone else having this... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Locked out
No problems my end except I have to keep signing in which is unusual.
Yes, the login is not working properly all the time. I've had trouble getting in. It asks for either your user name or email, then your password. Sometimes using the email works, sometimes it doesn't. Using the user name has worked for me so far but I haven't tried it that much. It seems fairly random. I've just signed in using my email instead of user name, but it took a few attempts.
Not had any problems at all.
I couldn't read my messages until it dawned on me I had to read them through my email! Duuhhh!
Same as bob I have to keep
Ogling in which I never used to do
I just had the login problem again. First of all I was logged out and I shouldn't have been. Then it gave me my email address and password (already filled in), but wouldn't accept it. Then I typed it in from scratch and noticed that as I pressed the button, the software removed the end of my email address, everything from the "@" onwards. So then it couldn't find a user of that name because there isn't one !!!