Uggggg, how long is this recovery? I had my tee on Thursday then my ablation on Friday. I know it is only Sunday but I didn't expect to feel this ruff. Sore, nausea, anxiety.. Ant good thoughts from this very positive and uplifting group?
Just home from cyroablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Just home from cyroablation
I am 26 days post - ablation. The tiredness keeps hitting in waves. You will need to pace yourself. I think this is due to the anaesthetic. You need to remember that the inside of your heart has been burnt and a hole was made to get from the right to the left side.
I would be interested to know how long it takes to regain energy post - ablation. I still have to take 2.5 Bisoprolol for another month and I suppose that isn't helping.
Sorry you are feeling unwell.My Ablation will be three weeks on Wednesday.The first four days were the worst and i just wanted to sleep and sleep and the chest was a little sore but the pain killers helped that ...Then after the first week I started to improve..
Your body will be in a state of shock and your heart has to readjust to a new way of living so to speak...
Once the GA leaves your system you will start feeling better,.. From my own experience this takes well over a fortnight...I was out doing my usual four miles a day walk after the first week or so...Yesterday i managed about eight miles in total...
i have no way near resumed my energy level yet prior to AF and still if not more breathless on slight inclines...I hope that will improve with time....
I hope this has helped you...
Thank you hearing positive experiences helps. I was not given any painkillers, that would have helped. The only thing they offered was tylonal.
Good idea to ring Hospital/Doctor tomorrow or even emergency DR this evening.I was given Codeine phosphate for severe pain and Paracetamol for moderate pain...Don't suffer in silence you don't get any medals.C