Morning all, just wanted to ask how long some of you have had to go in weeks to when you go back for reading. I have just noticed that mine is six weeks although my inr was never the desired reading.
Warfarin and INR reading: Morning all... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Warfarin and INR reading

My latest one is 70 days because I've been in range several times in a row. Can't believe that myself... Seems like an awfully long gap.
Every four weeks for me but I haven't been on warfarin too long (February) and my inr was pretty varied to start with. More settled now. Is your inr very far from where you want it to be?

I'm on 84 days but have been pretty stable for years (and years and years).
my husband started twice a week then once a week and 9 months and two CV later its every 4 weeks.
my husband started taking warfarin 9 months ago ...was tested 2x week then 1x week then 2 CV s later 1x month xxxxxx

My INR level is up and down continuosly, last Monday 2.5, two weeks previous 1.6. two weeks prior to that 1.8. So I am on two weekly testing (again) until it settles down.
And how far out were you Dottilind?, remember that INR is only accurate to around +/- 0.5
I'm on 4 weeks but if it shows signs of jumping about I go down to 1-2 weeks.
An important message to get across here is that we, the patients, have as much say about the frequency of INR testing as anyone else. I go weekly because I can do so with little effort. I live very close to the clinic, there are rarely any queues, and I'm in and out in minutes. The sense of well-being, so frequently updated, outweighs any mild inconvenience. I appreciate this isn't the case for everyone but no one should sit around, anxiously waiting for the date indicated in the yellow book to come around. Just go.
Hi. Previously, I used to go often (between 1-2 weeks) in anticoagulant clinic when my INR reading is not in range. I have the coagucheck machine now and I do my self-testing @ home. I then email the my INR result to the anticoagulant clinic and they then will reply to advise me with the correct dosage. Sometimes, it can take long to get your ideal INR, it's a matter of adjusting your medication in my case warfarin. Hope this helps.
l may try this one out, AnticoagulateNow - just book an appointment and cancel the 4 week one. INR was 2.0.
I started on warfarin in may and had to go for weekly checks for about 2 months. Then after that every 2 weeks, and now that i have been stable 2.4 to 2.6 for a while i'm going once a month. I think it depends on your stroke risk as well, and mine is pretty much zero and just being kept on it while i wait for an ablation.
G'day Dottilind ..... all depends on my readings anything from weekly when I'm unstable to 70 days when I'm stable. Stupidly, several weeks ago I forgot a dose (I went out partying and developed a senior moment) and I've been struggling to get normal ever since. That said I'm now in range and have even hit my jackpot of 2.5, and am now on fortnightly tests. Hoping that it may stretch out a bit further, although personally, I am not happy with long test periods like my 70 days. If I get back to that then I will certainly self test at a fortnight.