Had my first in October with great results. Pre ablation I was having daily AF bouts lasting 2 - 24 hours. Post ablation all but disappeared. Back to work (self employed with 4 young kids) with only the odd flutter once a month. Off all meds too. But as of 2 weeks ago the AF is back. Every other day having 2/3 hours bouts which completely floor me. Pounding chest, pain, extreme dizziness... have to go straight to bed feeling horrendous until it clears. Not ideal considering I do house removals!
Been in touch with Liverpool Heart & Chest hospital who have given me an appointment to see my cardio in 3 months time with a view to putting me on the 3 month waiting list for a second ablation.
I am completely gutted it has come back with such a vengance. I'm only 39 and I have a youngfamily to support.
Feeling sad, confuaed and utterly helpless....