I had a successful cardioversion last June and was kept on Amiodarone, Bisoporole, Losartan & Warfarin I was unable to see the Cardiologist at the 2 month follow-up & was kept on Amiodarone & Bisoporole (2.5mg) by his colleague & told to make an appointment in 6 months time after having the 24 hour holter, which I did, AF returned before doing this and after seeing the Cardiologist he took me off Amiodarone (which had caused heart flutter) and told to increase the Bisoporole up to when the heart beat is 70 b/min. At the moment I am taking 5mg Bisoporole, and although I don’t feel as well as after the cardioversion as I get breathless climbing stairs (3 flights) and also swimming the first few lengths of the pool. I do feel at 68 that this is normal. I have permanent AF with few symptoms. I was taking 10mg bisoporole before the cardioversion. I know there are lots of people who are really suffering and I do feel a bit of a fraud but would just like to know from someone with permanent AF if I am right to think it’s normal, it’s a bit confusing after almost a year to start feeling breathless again. I am now seeing the GP with no follow up by the Cardiologist. I'm still taking Warfarin & Losartan. Pauline
I put this as a post by mistake, I ju... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I put this as a post by mistake, I just want to know from someone with permanent AF if it is normal to be out of breath...

Hi Paolina - Yes, I think it may well be normal to feel a bit breathless after going up three flights of stairs.
I have a friend who recently started taking beta blockers for permanent AF although he was quite unaware that he had this problem and felt well, it was discovered during a routine test. Since starting beta blockers he has noticed that while out walking the hilly coastal footpaths, which he has always done, that he is now a lot more breathless and tired.
Am in permanent AF and heart rate in my case about 90.
Yes 3 flights of stairs would give me same result as you
However I regularly manage a five or six mile slow walk, but exhausted for next day or so.
Don't let it get you down
I have had ablation so no more AF, am still on Bisoprolol, minimal dose of 1.25mg and I get out of breath. I always wondered if breathlessness was AF or drugs.
Recently stayed in house where I had to climb 8 flights of stairs, up 4 floors about 4times a day. I had to rest after every flight because of muscle fatigue and breathless. I thought I was just unfit and it would improve over the week, but no, last day was as bad as the first! I couldn't get my HR above 90 so couldn't/can't sustain aerobic activity. Both AF & Biso make you breathless. I am not as bad swimming ???! I also am ok on the flat.
Hi Pauline, I'm not in Permanent AF, as Felcainide keeps me in NSR most of the time, but when I do go into AF I definitely get out of breath going up stairs. I had an episode over the weekend and using the stairs at work was a real struggle. Funnily enough I don't hardly feel it when I go swimming, as that is the exercise I tend to do when in AF. All the best, Jason
Thanks everyone, I feel a lot happier now, it's just so annoying not knowing what is normal & what isn't!

Hi Paolina
OK we are similar, and I just have to pick you up on the word permanent, the doctors say that permament means not able to be cured or treated, whereas, I suspect like me you are in persistent AF, and to make that clear I usuall say persistent continuous, just so people know it's all the time.
Anyway no big deal, so like you persistent continuous AF, do I get breathless you bet I walk the dog and live on top of a hill, and even though it's less than 200 yds uphill I am out of breath when I get to my door.
Strangely it is the hills and not the exercise that puts me so far out of breath, I can walk for several miles, but add any form of hill and I am knackered.
So yes, I would say what you are getting is "normal" whatever that is.
Be well