I have never suffered with severe indigestion, but since being on warfarin I do. Please dont tell me that warfarin does not cause indigestion as being a nures for many many years I know that it does, what I need to know is there a safe remedy to take.? I have not been on warfarin for long so not sure what to take.
Indigestion: I have never suffered with... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I haven't had any digestion problems with warfarin although 75mg aspirin upset my stomach very badly. I take the warfarin immediately after my main evening meal so on a full stomach. I do find them hard to swallow as they are not smooth-coated and they really do taste atrocious.I'm left wondering why rats eat the stuff.
Dear Jennydog -
Thank you so much for my first laugh-aloud-on-my-own moment for ages. "...wondering why rats eat the stuff"! I'll think of that every evening when I don't get the swill of liquid right to wash the Warfarin tablet straight down my gullet, and I get that foul bitter taste. A dose of humour helps the medicine go down as effectively as a spoonful of sugar I reckon!
Mrs Gilly
Thank you for such a lovely response. I have posted elsewhere about flecanide tablets being as awful to swallow as warfarin. You are absolutely correct about needing a knack to get them down.
As for the rats, it's no wonder that it's ineffective. Would you eat a dishful of the stuff after a first taste?
Very best wishes.
I used to get the same , but if you take your warfarin mid breakfast you should find you're o.k. My GP, Cardio, EP and hospital staff have no problem with my doing this, they just treat it as normal, so there are obviously others who take it this way. I think going to bed with it in your stomach is what causes the soreness. Some people can take it nights, others like us have to take it mid meal in the morning.
Hi Dotti
Not heard of indigestion being a common side effect, but we all react differently.
I take mine when I remember in the evening, and as I am often out in the evening, quite often just before I go to bed.
But of preference I take them just before I eat at around 7:30pm
Be well
I suffer with indigestion and eventually diagnosed with IBS and I am not on Warfarin, I have concluded that the Arrythmia itself is linked to IBS for me, as this has continuously occurred with a change of three (3) medications. I am under a dietician now and the Fodmap diet seems to work exceptionally well. I also use Mintec (a peppermint oil capsule) along with peppermint tea throughout the day, its helped enormously with eating out too. If you are going to try this you will need to check if you can take it with Warfarin.
10mg (low dose) omeprazole daily. GP will prescribe.