Does anyone else suffer from (and I shall use a delicate word) flatulence?! Not just flatulence but fairly serious flatulence? I rumble and sound like a train coming out of a tunnel and it frightens the dog! Whether it's the drugs (bisoprolol and warfarin) I don't know. My diet hasn't changed and has always been a 'healthy' one. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this.
A delicate subject but has to be aske... - Atrial Fibrillati...
A delicate subject but has to be asked.....
I too have new flatulence since starting the drugs. I take 2 types of probiotics for smaland large intestines and I can't tell if it really helps
Better out than in Dadog1. Mine caused me so much trouble, that I knew when this happened that I would get an episode of palpitations - could write a book on how I was dismissed many times for relating it to AF/SVT Trapped Gas/wind/bloating - all horrible stuff to talk about, but I was so desperate at times that I overcame my reluctance to discuss with the docs. Am now under a dietician, due to IBS diagnosed by a Gastroenterologist. I do not take Warfarin, and I have not been ablated as yet, so this for me was the normal state of things, after being diagnosed with SVT. I exercise and have always eaten well - no junk food so to speak, but there are some foods which do cause this, been on peppermint tea for around 3 weeks, works wonders settles my stomach within 15 to 30 mins. So as long as it doesn't cause you serious problems then release without shame. Might as well check out the foods that could cause this. Happy days
G'day Dadog,
Not any more mate !
After about 15 months from onset and diagnosis with paroxysmal AF I eventually found a connection between diet/food and the onset of an AF event. The sequence was (yes all of these one after the other) bloating, burping, flatulence, intestinal gurgling to the point where people sitting in the same room could clearly hear me and then diahorrea. By far and away the worst was bloating the pain and the pressure on the heart was beyond belief - yes -I could feel it !! And yes, I always reckoned I ate 'proper and healthy'. Yes I take bisoprolol and warfarin too. I went to my GP who did bloods for IBS and Coaliac Disease - all clear - but he did express the view that he still thought I might be marginal IBS. Did I want to have more tests - no ta said I. On me bike - went and consulted a nutrionist and rearranged my diet and my life and got back my quality of life over a period of 3 years. Chances are (but I'm neither GP or a Nutrionist) that it is not either of the meds but the Vagal Nerve playing with your internal toys - the Vagal Nerve is that nerve in the central nervous system which governs/controls/influences - whatever - the heart and the digestive system. So don't bloody panic ! My nutrionist first got me to go gluten free, then gave me a probiotic food supplement VSL#3 - got me to keep a food diary too (most important). Google VSL#3 !
After some 3 years all these issues have gone - yes - gone - truly and I am even able to return to some foods which previously were a problem. Although I'm one of those weirdos who can be in AF and not know it, I now rarely, very rarely even - have an onset of AF - how do I know, well, because I 'feel so bloody good'. BUT - mate - what a bloody road its been ! S--t !
No advertising but most supermarkets from the one which likes the colour orange through to the one that likes green colour including the every little bit helps have a range of gluten free stuff - some stores seem better than others but its there. I mean, mine was so bad I found the only milk I could take was Rice Milk.
One interesting thing that came up on my voyage of discovery that it seems you will seldom get a Cardiac consultant to acknowledge this link with AF (although some do ) yet a Gastro consultant will - absolutely !
Let me know if I can help further and I'll put something together and post it on here.
Good luck
Aussie John
I forgot to mention go and Google FODMAPS. Also Google The Shepherd Works - a Melbourne organisation. It'll keep you out of mischief for a while and you WILL find it really interesting.
I feel very sorry for the dog , the RSPCA might want ot have a word with you Dadog.
It's all those fruit pies you're eating Dadog. Sugary things ferment in the stomach! I know that as we age the problem can get worse too.
You brighten my day with your comments. Thank you.
Enjoying this whole thread, and chuckling like mad although the flatulence is no laughing matter, I know! Thanks for all the comments - I think I may have a gluten or wheat allergy (are they the same thing?) and will take a break from bread etcetera after reading this. Hope this has all helped Dadog!
Thanks Eatsalottie! All advice helps, I'm sure. Such a good reaction on here - not only helpful but amusing and spirit raising! (You might think to change your post name to something like...Eatsalittlebetter?).
Hi Dadog1,
I know I shouldn't, but could not help laughing especially about the dog. I also have a slight problem as well.
I just think of what an old uncle of mine used to say:-
Let your wind gang free
Where'er ye be
In church or chapel
Let it rattle.
However, if I did just that, I think I would be getting asked to leave. I hope some of the other suggestions help.
Thanks for all those guys have me laughing now! Very helpful too - thanks again. Maybe the Mr Kiplings should be avoided as suggested but apart from that, I am not very good at diet regimes. I shall give it a thought.
The RSPCA have already been round, Koll. Threatened to take the dog into care if I didn't mend my ways. He's only a wee Westie and I couldn't bear that so I promised to go to another room if I felt an attack coming on!
Love your poem, that by Rabbie Burns?!
Stay well everybody.
HiDadog1,I,m afraid it could be quite simple as I have found out,The older you get the more wind you get
Hi Dadog1,
Don't know if it was one of Rabbie's. Will need to look out his book and see if it is.
Oh the poor Westie. I better watch, we have three of them and hopefully soon to have a lot more. " Two of them were at the "boyfriend" a few weeks back and my wife was saying that one of them is starting to bulge a bit now.
Keep well.
Hi, Since taking Bisoporol & Warfarin I too have developed flatulence, so your suspicions seem valid ones. Just on the theme of the Great Rabbie Burns a couple of psuedo Burns ditties. "On yonder hill there stands a coo, If it's nae there now it canna moo."or, " Tomatoe sauce in the bottle, none will come an then the lottle. Sorry
You might find it helpful to look at the Macmillan guide to 'Managing bowel late effects after pelvic radiotherapy' which gives a list of foods that may cause wind. There's beans, of course and others that you would expect, but also chewing gum and Sorbitol, a type of artificial sweetener. There's also a useful Christies guide to a low fibre diet online. Lots of things I didn't know, e.g.there's a difference between soluble and insoluble fibre.
I will, Rellim296 - thanks. Half of what we eat we know nothing about. I took a couple of spoonfuls of my partner's Gaviscon today and it did calm things down. The investigation continues!
Yes, you are right about food I thought it was just something to eat, but it's far from that. Having mentioned artificial sweetener I was reminded of the sugar free gummi bear review which someone told me to look up a little while ago. It starts Oh man...words cannot express ,,,
I've just been going through the McMillan guide. Interesting, as you say, Rellim. Anyone else who wishes can find it at
Wind? With AF, gall bladder out and a healthy diet combination, I have just managed the last verse of God Save the Queen! :-p. It is terrible.
Good going, Froggy! Now, with a little practice, you could manage one of my favourites, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot! ;-o
You have to smile sometimes! Keep well.