Have been put on Clopidogrel as I was... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Have been put on Clopidogrel as I wasn't happy about warfarin ,does. Anyone take It any side effects.

sann profile image
16 Replies

Since taking it. (Abouta week. Ago have developed a pain in my shin bone and calf, no Dvt had it checked out, comes on more when. I'm lying in bed ,any suggestions please?

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sann profile image
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16 Replies
BobD profile image

Sann, sorry to tell you this but clopidogrel is an antiplatelet like aspirin and to guard against stroke in AF you need an anticoagulant like warfarin. Antiplatelets are fine where there are other heart conditions which call for less sticky blood (partial blocked arteries etc) but as AF created clots form in the heart itself they are larger and can do far more damage if they escape.. What is your objection to warfarin as thousands of people have been taking it for years with no problems, me included? Better than a stroke any day. For those very few who react badly to warfarin there are the three new oral anticoagulants.


sann profile image
sann in reply to BobD

Hello there ,just wanted to say thank you to Bob d and all the other wonderful people that have taken the time to answer my post. I have read them all once if not twice and have decided that I will see my gp and go on to warfarin. I wonder why it wasn't explained to me that clopidogrel was not an anti coagulant, so I will be off to the gp on Monday .thank you all again for your help..sann

sann profile image

Thx Bob but I have been told u have to watch what u eat I,e,salads and green,also do t u have to go to the clinic regularly, and I have a tendency to react badly to drugs, I can cope with my af now and don't want to upset the apple cart,what happens if I react to the warfarin? Sorry to be. Such a pain but this warfarin situation has bee n going on for a few months and to be honest with u I am frightened about it,

jennydog profile image
jennydog in reply to sann

I was prescribed Clopidogrel for about 4 years after aspirin upset my stomach. I had no side effects with it but now realise that it was not doing any good. After seeing a Cardiologist in September I was prescribed warfarin. It has been totally trouble-free. I do not eat broccoli or cranberry or kale. Other than that I eat what I want - especially sprouts. I visit the warfarin nurse every 6 weeks as results are stable. Please try warfarin and ignore gossip about problems with it. My only complaint is that the tablets taste atrocious so require rapid swallowing.

RobertELee profile image
RobertELee in reply to sann

Sann, you are holding a time bomb! AF with no anticoagulation is very dangerous. The diet thing with warfarin is not insurmountable - not at all - but if it were to become a problem there are effective alternatives to warfarin (Dabigatran etc) which you should discuss with your GP as soon as possible. These warfarin alternatives do not need to be monitored with regular visits to the clinic either so they would satisfy both your concerns. It's up to you to choose but choose you must or your applecart could start losing wheels.....

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to sann

Hi San I had very similar concerns to yourself.

My main concern was travel as my husband & I travel quite a lot and I talked to my doctor yesterday about either staying on Dabigatran or changing to Warfarin and he recommended staying on Dabigatran, one of the new anticoagulants, which do not react with any foods and you don't need regular blood tests. The places we go to would make that impossible. I take 2doses a day which have to be 12hours apart as the half life is 12 hours. The down side is there is no direct antidote such as VitK for Warfarin, although there is research and I believe an antidote may be in the pipeline.

I echo that living without anti coagulation when you have AF is having a time bomb in your chest, which hopefully won't go off, but the consequences if it does will be far more devastating than blood tests or food interactions.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to sann

Sann I think you will get the message soon that you MUST do it. You could always stop taking the drug but you can't undo a stroke. As all these people are telling you it is easy and provided that you maintain a regular diet no problem at all. I am only tested every 12 weeks . Ask yourself one simple question. Would you rather go for tests every few weeks or have a be sitting in a chair drooling?


Beancounter profile image

Hi Sann

The great majority of us on this forum are on warfarin, and to be honest again for the great majority of us it's a non-event. Yes we have to be tested Yes we have to avoid cranberries, but that's about it, no diet changes, not reactions, it's a VERY well understood drug by the medical community and there are doubtless hundreds of thousands around the world on it without any problems at all.

Please go back and try it, the only problem with warfarin is the "rat poison" label, taking it is easy peasy.


Unless you're totally addicted to cranberries, warfarin is fine, honestly. I was put on it before Christmas and apart from the initial faff of testing it's good. I actually feel better than before. If you are stable on warfarin the testing can go to six weeks or two months, which is hardly a big deal. I'd say try it, you've got nothing to lose except cranberries... Everything else you can have in moderation.


gerryatriq profile image
gerryatriq in reply to

As Bob says, Clopidgrel (Plavix) is normally used after stent implanting, this is to stop the blood from sticking to the stent and blocking the artery again.

I have taken Warfarin for over 10 years,( and 3 of those years with Plavix and aspirin as well, after 2 stents) and touch wood, have had no major issues. I drink alcohol every day (only light beer),never changed eating habits, take pills with all others. Only downside is getting INR checked monthly, but only takes minutes at anticoag units in UK.

Do not mess about, just start to take it.

jacqui_26 profile image
jacqui_26 in reply to gerryatriq

My husband previously liked to go out drink socially with friends but since starting on warfarin in November has been afraid to drink. So was interested to read your comment '' drink alcohol every night''. What do you mean by light beer? and what are your INR levels?

at present warfarin aseems a good option i have been on it for over 2 yrs. However still on weekly tests mine fluctuates so much. holidays a problem as in sept my inr had to be monitored and after a week of heat differnet diet and a drink or 2 which all unusual for me INR went above 8 on greek island difficult to get teast then had vit k IV 12 hrs at hospital and return visit. I am going to discuss with cardiologist what i can do to enjoy my holidays in future.

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply to

Have you got your own machine as this really helps to keep an eye on inr levels - especially if you fluctuate a lot or travel quite a bit. It gives me peace of mind. Marie

Dadog profile image

I had exactly the same pains in my legs soon after starting Warfarin and Bisoprolol. Checked with the GP as I was worried it might be a circulation problem or even clots. He was happy it was nothing sinister. Pains stopped after about a month, so I would give it time, sann. It will no doubt go away - and Warfarin does take care of you.

Waiting to see if going to stay on warfarin believe machine not cheap and some docs won't prescribe the sticks needed. Have had tumour removed from my heart and cox maze procedure for AF so my risk may be lower my BP improved so we live in hopes.

sann profile image

Hi Bob,sorry to be such a pain again,I don't know what to do now as the gp when I spoke about going on warfarin said that the letter he got from the cardio stated clopidogril ( he also said it wasn't very plain. I am going to have my pacemaker checked this Thursday. Should I mention it to them, I know that when I saw cardio in October he wants the read out of the pacemaker ,so might that help do you think. Thanks Sann

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