I've read the letter twice now and he doesn't seem worried about it but reading stuff on the net has left me quite worried, and as I'm 66 and live alone I'd like as much info as possible, preferably from people who really know.
Just been diagnosed with PAF - the do... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Just been diagnosed with PAF - the docs letter says I have a significantly dilated left atrium which scared me - should I be worried?

Hello Dragonlady and welcome.
A F tends to cause the left atria to grow (dilate) due to the constant writhing of the muscles as opposed to regular beating. Conversely endurance athletes who over train tend to enlarge their left atria and CAUSE AF. as the longer pathways give more chance for the impulses to get lost and go wild.
Controlling AF either by drugs or ablation will normally allow the atria to return to normal size so it is reversible.
You don;t say what treatment you are on or what is proposed but I

Hello Dragonlady and welcome.
A F tends to cause the left atria to grow (dilate) due to the constant writhing of the muscles as opposed to regular beating. Conversely endurance athletes who over train tend to enlarge their left atria and CAUSE AF. as the longer pathways give more chance for the impulses to get lost and go wild.
Controlling AF either by drugs or ablation will normally allow the atria to return to normal size so it is reversible.
You don;t say what treatment you are on or what is proposed but I recommend that you read as many of the fact sheets on the main AFA website as you can as knowledge is power. Ask any questions here and usually somebody has the answer but you can't beat knowledge as this enables you to discuss your options knowledgeably with your cardiologist or electrophysiologist. That is a cardiologist who specialises in rhythm disorders. An electrician rather than a plumber.
Above all do get your doctor to assess your stroke risk as this is the worst part of AF which increases stroke risk by a factor of five. At you age and being female you should likely be on anticoagulant and don't think aspirin is OK as it has no use in AF patients being an anti platelet (blood thinner) not an anticoagulant (stopping clotting) If anybody tells you otherwise refer them to me!
AF is a long journey I am afraid but you have good travelling companions here.
BobD (68 and counting)
Hi Bob and thanks for your swift reply - much appreciated. I'm on 75mg aspirin and as of today 1.25mg Bisoprolol. I asked about an anti-coagulant (warfarin) but both the cardiologist and my doctor said it wasn't necessary "at this point". I'm also aiming to do more exercise and lose some weight and cut down on alcohol (or at least change to red wine). If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to listening! This is a great forum and I'm really glad I found it - has cut down on some of the worries I had. I will also read the leaflets as you suggest - and again, a big thank you.

Hello DragonLady47, Snap, we are the same age with PAF. I totally agree with BobD about anticoagulants and disagree with your GP and Cardiologist. If you go to the AFA web site and check your risk you will see that our age and being female does it for us. I printed out my score and waved it under my GP's nose and came off the aspirin and onto warfarin. It now feels like my security blanket.
I was diagnosed in Feb and like most people found it all very scary to begin with and this site has proved invaluable. We're all individual and certain things seem to upset some people and not others. Most alcohol especially red wine is a no no for me, but it's a case of trying things out.
Bisopralol is working well for me so I hope it does the trick for you too and good luck with your weight etc. Go slowly with the exercise and build up gradually.
Wishing you well
Hi Lizzily - thanks for your reply and I'll do the check shortly. The cardiologist did a chads2 and I was zero. However, although I become a little dizzy sometimes the Bisopralol seems to be lowering the amount of palpitations I can feel. And so far I have no side effects with my asthma but it is early days. Thanks for the tip about the alcohol - just taking everything easy at the moment and taking notes. I will definitely keep on this site as it certainly helped me. Again my thanks.
Hi Dragonlady
I am slightly concerned, you said your Cardio did a Chads2 and your score was zero, but at your age and being female and diagnosed with AF, with no other factors I come up with 2.2, which should put you on warfarin
You can check it yourself here
It's not zero
I recommend that you test yourself on this site, and then potentially ring the AFA as to how to approach your cardio, they have a helpline on 01789 451837
That score from the cardio cannot be correct by my undersdtanding.
Good luck and be well
Hi Ian - thanks and yes I agree with you - I just did the check as recommended by another forum member. I've made an appointment to see my doctor next week as I have to update them on my taking Bisopralol anyway and am determined to mention this. I really appreciate all the comments and help I've been given - this would have been much scarier had I not found you!!

Hi again, just a quick note to say that it took a while for me to settle on Biopralol and it had to be gradually increased to be effective for me, but I don't have any side effects apart from a cold nose!
Good luck at the Drs next week and keep us posted.