Hi, I am a 62 yr old female.Diagnosed with angina aged 32,triple bypass at aged 45 with continuing angina attacks. I didnt let this effect my life, as I controlled the angina very well. Two weeks ago whilst under a bit of stress, I was out walking my dog and suddenly my speech was all jumbled up, this lasted about 4 hours getting progressively better. As I had no further symptoms I thought that I may have doubled up on my medication without realizing ( diclofenic) . I was due to fly to Cyprus on 2nd June so I checked with my gp if I was ok to take the above pain relief and told him about my turn with the speech. He said I had had a TIA and referred me that day to the hospital. I had heart scans brain scans etc and the consultant rang me with the results which are as follows. Enlargement of the heart,
Slight narrowing of the Aortic valve
Heart murmur
Atrial fibrilation
And I had not had a TIA
I have been on 2mg warfarin for 5 days, I have requested a referral to the cardiologist, and I am waiting for an appointment.
I am hoping that I will be offered surgery as when I had the CABG they noted slight blockages in two further arteries, and said I would need a further bypass within 10 to 15 years.
I am not sure I know what questions to ask you good people, I am still waiting for this all to sink in, but I hope by sharing my story, there may be other members who have had the same complications.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long winded post. x