Hey Guys,
I would like to glean some collective wisdom/experience from this amazing group.
The end of this month will mark my one year anniversary of Salvage radiation therapy IMRT / IGRT
Conventional Fractionation
7000 cGy / 35 fractions to prostate fossa concurrent with
5000 cGy / 25 fractions to the regional pelvic lymphatics
Shortly after my treatments I began having stiff and painful joints, this has steadily increased in severity over the last year. My RO & URO seemed to be doubtful as to whether or not this was caused from the radiation therapy. My internist said he couldn't rule it out.
My internist has stated my condition as "reactive arthritis" I have an elevated sed rate and crp. Ive had a lot of additional blood-work for the the whole range of inflammatory & auto-immune disorders, none of which are positive. So, nothing that points in any definitive direction.
The overarching great news is that my most recent PSA is undetectable.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.