my husband has been in this fight for just on 2 years, he had a PSA of 66 which had gone up for 0.02 6 months prior, so quite an aggressive one. We got on to a really great oncologist who got radiation therapy to overcome the pain in his shoulder and groin, as these were the places that showed the most activity but he had about 30 hot spots as well, no organ Mets as yet, so put him on Xtandi and within 6 months his PSA had come down to 0.275 then gradually over the next 9 months was down to 0.06. This was great news so we decided to travel to America, hire a motorhome and travel for 2 months, this took it out of him quite a bit, got very tired towards the end of the trip. His next PSA result was in Nov 24 which was 0.13 and a month later it has gone up to 0.15. Our oncologist suggested he start on Pluvicto (lutetium 177), as he didn’t want the PSA to take off again, so we tried to arrange this but have been informed that the company that make this no longer has an arrangement with the Australian distributor. We have an appointment with our oncologist on 27/12 to discuss our next step. He was trying to avoid giving him chemo, but not sure if there is an alternative. I have been reading here about trials being conducted in Australia with various medications, but not sure if this is a viable option. Anybody have any information that may be useful in this case it would be greatly appreciated
lutetium unavailable in Australia - Advanced Prostate...
lutetium unavailable in Australia

Chemo seems the logical next step. I am in a similar boat (aged 51 with much higher PSA) and are aware of a number of trials in Australia, but you would have to travel to somewhere like Melbourne which is often difficult given the frequency of treatment in trials. I am doing a trial at Peter Mac in Melbourne and are currently doing bridging chemo (docetaxel) whilst I wait for the trial to progress. Keep up the fight. Cam
Thank you for your reply, we could travel to Melbourne if needed to for trials, will speak to oncologist and keep you in the loop. I will call Peter Mac tomorrow and try to find out why lutetium is not available in Australia, as they have said in their website that 80% of nuclear medicine comes from ANSTO at Lucas Heights.
I’d be asking for a PET/CT scan to put it all in perspective as the PSA is still very low and you have time to investigate all options.
He had a PSMA scan on 8/11 which showed his metastasis had stayed pretty much the same as the last one done in February 2024, a few smaller ones had disappeared but the main ones were “hot”, hence the reason he suggested organising lutetium. I will keep my post updated with what we find out. Thanks again guys
Could you contact st Vincent Hospital nuclear medicine for information in Sydney Darlinghurst? They may even have place for an actinium PSMA clinical trial? Actinium is even better for bone metastasis. I am shocked that your oncologist didn't say that.
thanks for that. In our oncologist defence we have not seen him since mid November and a nuclear doctor 4 days later to discuss the lutetium. He was not aware either about the halt in supply, that came out about 1 week ago and as our oncologist was on leave we are seeing him the day he gets back. He appears to be on the ball about this dreadful disease and I’m sure he will come up with a solution, I just want to have as much info as I can before we see him on 27/12. Thank you all for your replies
This is a link to current clinical trials with Lutetium in Australia:
Thank you for that, I will show this to our oncologist when we see him on 27/12.
Pluvicto is made by Novartis. I think they will soon resume supplying Pluvicto in Australia. You could give them a call and inquire.
If you are very keen on Lutetium you might consider travelling to India where it is available at a number of very reputed hospitals and Institutes. Cost in India is approx 30% or less than that of US or Europe. I could give you details of which are the reliable hospitals as I am based in India and I am being treated for PCA since 2019. I had a PSA of 255, Gleason 9/10.
Yes thanks I am keeping my fingers crossed. Nubeqa is like a sword of Damocles. No one knows how long it will remain effective. It is much the same with everything to do with Prostrate Cancer!!
look up hops and prostate cancer. Google it. Try the supplement , might help but there are risks I suppose. Not giving medical advice.