Husband can not eat solid foods without gagging or throwing up. He is having to live on Boosts and lost approximately 70lbs in the last year. Does anyone have any suggestions for anything that will help with appetite and swallowing problem. He is on Pluvicto treatment currently but this situation started prior to this. He was on Lynparza prior to Pluvicto.
Seedeep: Husband can not eat solid... - Advanced Prostate...

For some reason his oncologist does not want him using it. He has some of the drops that his primary physician prescribed for him but he is not currently taking it. I intend to ask why she does not want him taking it.
what are you waiting for? Why are you "Intending" to ask, as your husband suffers, (perhaps needlessly)
Cannabis can help.
If medical marijuana or recreational marijuana is available where you live the link I have here might help in deciding dosing.
If medical marijuana is available ask his doctors/care team about getting a medical card. You may then have more guidance and normally cost of products is reduced for medical card holders.
I'm sorry to hear of another brother and sister going thru tough times as you are.
My thoughts are with you.
I understand, although I could swallow, every bite made my stomach feel like a gut punch a few months ago. I wonder what food experiments you could try? Can he eat thin noodles? Pureed foods? Toast with almond butter? Rice pudding or oatmeal? A few months ago that was all I could do.
Maybe Google "Swallowing therapy" where you slightly tuck your chin to widen the base prior to swallowing. There is also some stuff you can add to thicken food to make it easier to swallow. I hope it improves soon.
Has he had an upper endoscopy to check for Barrets esophagus? Or a narrowed esophagus?
Boost, arghhhh. It's a short time product. Get a juicer and start making all different kinds of juices. You can make them that taste like something a child would want every day. There are also wonderful additives, all organic that can be added. I lived on this for a whole year when beginning my journey eleven years ago and still juice every week. Give your body what it needs. I have never missed a days work in all those years and my job was very physical, retired now.. if you wish more info contact me. I live in Vancouver Canada. I have no affiliation with any products I may mention only the bounty of our organic earth.
His body will sigh with relief one he start getting these real vitamins and minerals into him.
Should have spelled ONCE
I agree with sailameme. Get a juicer and juice yourself some fruit and vegetables that will taste great. We use our nutri bullet
A great 🍋🟩 lime-carrot juice: feed 3 pounds of trimmed and peeled carrots and 3 limes into your juicer
It’s easy and yummy 💜
Please re-read the posters post here. Thanks
Can you help me? I don’t understand because I’m so inept with technology golly i hope i didn’t do anything wrong 😞
Cannabis is often used for improving appetite. Not sure about swallowing. You might do some research on it.
There are also medications. AI review and response: To treat nausea in prostate cancer patients undergoing Pluvicto treatment, healthcare providers typically prescribe anti-nausea medications before or during the infusion, often including medications like ondansetron (Zofran), alongside dietary management strategies like eating bland foods and small, frequent meals throughout the day
Here are some articles/studies:
Good luck. I hope he feels better soon! Kep us posted.