Hi all,
I recently had my prostate taken out and got upgraded to Gleason 9, T3b, seminal vessel and extra prosthetic extension with positive margins but no lymph nodes. I am 56, very fit, and will get my first post operative PSA in September. My pre-op was 9.5.
I know a lot of people on this forum have a lot more to worry about, but I was hoping some of you may guide me in what to expect further and how to mitigate this disease. I keep reading that my prognosis is positive and treatable but not curable? I have come to expect a longer road, but is this a lifelong road? Is BCR a forgone conclusion? Also would like to know my options on further treatment … Adjuvant radiation with ADT has been mentioned.
Thank you in advance for any words of wisdom and similar experiences you may have had.