On 1 May of this year, I started using by bicalumatide prescribed by my doctor, a urologist. I took it for one month. In the middle of May my knees started to hurt and they have hurt since then and today is August 7. I suffered all the other things that are side effects when using bicalumatide, but the other side effects were minor compared to the significant pain in my knees. The urologist is now planning to prescribe Orgovyx instead of bicalumatide. Could any of you that have used Orgovyx share the side effects of Orgovyx both good and not so good ?
Side effects when using Orgovwx - Advanced Prostate...
Side effects when using Orgovwx

We all react differently to different drugs so there is no magic answer I can give you.
I did Bicalutamide which is generally considered not so toxic but in my case it was killing me as my weight was dropping rapidly and I could barely breath after a few weeks of 100mg per day. But it did not impact my knees.
Lupron gave me all kinds of side-effects
I seem to have much fewer side-effects on Orgovyx than I did on either Bicalutamide or Lupron. But that said your experience may differ from mine.
Just my sample size of 1. I was on Orgovyx for 6 months. Developed Ed & loss of libido after about 2 months. Also had mood swings and brain fog, and a handful of hot flashes. My less common SE were muscle cramps in my hands and delayed insomnia, ie I could fall asleep ok at 10, but would wake at 2-3 and could not get back to sleep to save my life.
"... Could any of you that have used Orgovyx share the side effects of Orgovyx both good and not so good ?"
I started Orgovyx last December. After a month, the PSA dropped from 3.78 to 0.38, with no unpleasant side effects. I had heard of brain fog and hot flashes, looked for those, and they were almost imperceptible.
After another month I added Abiraterone, so I am not feeling the longer term effects of Orgovyx alone. But even the doublet is very easy on me, and is maintaining the PSA at 0.02.. I do use exercise to avoid weakening and fatigue.
Are you seeing an oncologist? I'd ask the oncologist for suggestions.
I am taking Orgovyx and Nubeqa , very mild hot flashes now and then nothing bad, so far it's good. many say the same.
Orgovyx for 12 months, Apr 23-Apr24..
My Pca is not yours and my SEs may not be yours...
Side Effects: the usual
Hot flashes
Muscle stiffness
Joint stiffness
Genitalia shrinkage
Weight gain
All these were annoying but nothing changed in my life. I took vacations with my wife to Iceland and Oregon, went skiing with a friend in Colorado, rode with my sister in the Garmin Unbound, a 50 mile gravel bike ride in the Flint Hills of Kansas near Emporia, went to the gym, played pickleball, did the yard work, walked the dog...
The hot flashes, fatigue, muscle and joint stiffness went away two weeks after stopping, the hot flashes hung around, mostly gone after 3-4 months. I've managed to lose about 10 of the 18 pounds I gained (fat cell just refuse to die...).
So, control the things you can to mitigate the impact of side effects:
Managing stress.
5 months on orgovyx. Pleased not to have any unexpected side effects so far.
I took Orgovyx for 22 months. After 5 months, PSA was undetectable and remained that way for 17 months. With the support of my MO, began a holiday 10 months ago and PSA is still undetectable and my testosterone is 412.
The only side effects were fatigue, that was minimized by lots of exercise, and some brain fog.
Although we are all different in how our bodies react to drugs, everyone I know that take Lupron has had much more severe side effects. Hope this helps
I've been on Orgovyx since mid January of this year, so almost 7 months. It was very effective in lowering my PSA. I have no side effects from it other than some mild insomnia (I believe it's from the Orgovyx). My struggle has been to find the right hormone therapy medication (first Abiretarone and Prednisone, now Erleada) to go with the Orgovyx. Good luck !!
bicalumatide (a/k/a casodex). I was using Casodex daily for many years (together with Lupron) and my knees feel like a Russian breakdancer who broke both his knees. I swear the culprit is fucking Casodex. I have changed over from Casodex to Nubeqa in April 2023 and my Knees still hurt like hell. I am still on Lupron but my advice to you (and I'm not a doctor),ask your doc to get you off of casodex. If I'm right send me a certified check.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.