Episode 10 of My Journey With Prostate Cancer playlist. This episode is less satirical, just hoping somebody finds something in it useful.
How I Cope With ADT: Episode 10 of My... - Advanced Prostate...
How I Cope With ADT

this was cool thanks, impressive dedication to minimizing side effects. Did you mention Gynecomastia at all, maybe I missed it.
I have read that pectoral flys can minimize breast tissue growth and if you are REALLY concerned about gynecomastia, one shot of radiation to each breast bud will prevent it.
As far as I am concerned, I will wear them as stigmata of my cancer. Maybe even get tattoos of the prostate cancer survivor ribbons
you rock dude!
Outstanding...much of this reinforces the same or similar conclusions I have found. Your circumstances are eerily similar to mine. I'll look at your other episodes.
I watched the whole video and you convinced me...............I bought a dog....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I received electron radiation to both breasts the eliminated gynecomastia. Very little risk.
So sorry about your best friend. My dogs have been my best support through this cancer ordeal. Force me to bike and walk and help me sleep.
Thanks for inspiration Mike! I'm a bit ahead of you: was on ADT since March 2022 and now on vacation. Last injection (I was on 6mo Lupron cycle) was in March 2023 and T finally bounced back this February (almost a year after last injection!). PSA has risen (was 0.51 in June) so will go for PSMA next week and then we'll decide the course. Likely will go back to ADT again.
I've been physically very active for many years now (since 2009) and did not stop due to ADT: 12h/week average (cycling 150mi/week, resistance training (X3 Bar), Weekly Osteogenic loading sessions to combat osteoporosis). Since 1999 I change my way of eating (Atkins) and for past year follow even stricter keto diet.
I do monthly DEXA body-comp scans and was able to gain muscle and drop fat (13% as of last check in June) even while still at castration-level T.
I never had hot flashes. Depression and poor sleep are probably my biggest side effects (and these are interrelating, one making the other worse). Every bit of positivity help so your attitude is something to be admired!
Some really good advice, Thanks.
Fun and informative video, Caldonia. I’ve been on ADT for 5 mos now (Orgovyx), awaiting my RT in August. I’m also planning on two more years of ADT before starting a holiday. You’ve provided good insight in how to deal with life as a “menopausal woman.” Best wishes on a successful outcome!