If you did Cabazitaxel before docetaxel, then let me know what your experience was like.
I know Cabazitaxel comes after Docetaxel.
Recent publish showed a significant response
Cabazitaxel/Abiraterone Yields PFS Improvement in mCRPC
Source :
If you did Cabazitaxel before docetaxel, then let me know what your experience was like.
I know Cabazitaxel comes after Docetaxel.
Recent publish showed a significant response
Cabazitaxel/Abiraterone Yields PFS Improvement in mCRPC
Source :
It makes no difference in survival:
Agree How about Quality of life ? Does Cabazitaxel improve Quality of life in compare to docetaxel ?
"peripheral neuropathy, peripheral edema, alopecia, and nail disorders were more frequent with D75...Cabazitaxel and docetaxel demonstrated different toxicity profiles, with overall less toxicity with C20."
Why do you ask? No one in his right mind would give you Jevtana first. You would lose your salvage for no benefit.
@Tall_Allen both oncologists (from different hospitals) have recommended Cabazitaxel as my dad's first chemo treatment instead of Docetaxel... why do you say no one would recommend Jevtana first?
I just said why:"You would lose your salvage for no benefit." Jevtana is approved as salvage chemo when docetaxel fails.
I’m seeing data online suggesting both are similarly effective as a first line chemo treatment ascopost.com/News/57923
For us it was an insurance issue. We were told insurance would cover docetaxel treatment before cabazitaxel.
If I remember the alphabet correctly, then C should come before D.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.