I’m recurrent in prostate bed with three negative PSMA PET scans and essentially unchanged size of enhancing nodule over 18 months on three MRIs
DUT and FIN began when PSA reached 0.36. In six weeks dropped to 0.26 after beginning DUT and FIN.
they are affecting sensitivity of the PSMA scans.
After RO consult I decided to stop both and will rescan in two months to see if nodule becomes avid and if there are other areas as well.
If things otherwise remain unchanged may go for nodule bx to confirm and make decision to proceed with RT which planning would be greatly impacted if other sites are revealed.
As was explained to me, 5 aRIs are kind of like a mini ADT so could be masking a more aggressive cancer. So this might help in determining that.
3 ROs are willing to treat now but are also OK with this approach. There seems in a general sense in cases like mine it’s not clear, but if my PSA reaches 0.5 or greater data indicates there is a window between 0.5 & 0.8 of benefit with RT regarding development of metastasis. Waiting beyond 0.8 or 1 those such benefits are greatly diminished.
Comments appreciated.