Medicare denied coverage of this. My dad needs it badly. Cancer in his spine growing. Starting to affect his ability to walk more and more everyday. We have spine pain management apt tmrw. Meet with radiology on Friday. Hopefully the can help him asap.
xtandi : Medicare denied coverage of... - Advanced Prostate...

i source my Enza from India.
2 months supply works out at $USD 500.
Nycrunner,: Where do you get it in India? I am in the process of looking for a place to get it over there. Also what Enza brand do you get? You can either send it here or DM. Do you need a Dr script ?Thanks
I go through Canadian Pharmacy to get Hgh Priced Meds.. They have the India connection and more. Treat you pretty well. A friend suggested to try them .He has been with Canadian Pharmacy last several years. They get you the lowest prices from other countries. Might be a worthwhile search for you. I even was getting my Zytiga from India.
Don't use it anymore. After 8, almost years in this battle, I am now on Chemo Docetaxel and Prednisone along with second Clinical Trial. Had a good run for alot of years. The Chemo started Feb 29th. and every 21 days till around end of Sept or mid October.
Hopefully They can slow the train down as 9 more mets in Ribs, Spinal column ,Sacrum S-2 and middle of my back. also now have Spinal compression fracture at L-1. painful but I will attend to that after Chemo is completed. Dont need to handle more than what Im doing right now as the Clinical trial has many side effects also.
I hope you get the better low prices. Our country simply charges way to much.
I even get my Eliquis Mets from Canadian Pharmacy. Here it pushes me right into Donut hole. Then it is around $450 for 3 months supply. Thru Canadian Pharmacy I pay $185 every 3 months. Plus I sta out the Donut hole which elevates all my drug prices I take.
Good Luck Barry
good luck with appointment. I hope it goes well for youn
Read this please:
xtandi does have a assistance program where he can get discounted or free script. Contact them and they can explain the program I’ve been on it over 7 years now If it weren’t for
My secondary insurance I’d be in a terrible mess
the inconsistencies and inequities in the American health insurance system are mind boggling. Medicare readily approved my Xtandi prescription. I do fear the day when Medicare turns down a needed treatment.
request an expedited appeal. Ask his oncologist to request this, but your dad (or his official patient ) can request it. This info should be on his denial
Meanwhile ask his dr for a sample or to prescribe an alternative drug that might work
Medicare covers this drug so there is something in your dad’s case that triggered the denial does the denial explain why?
Medicare/SS denied ours too but we worked with the hospital and they got it pushed through. Our Humana paid a portion and the hospital picked up the rest. Ask your oncologist's office for help!
Real Medicare, Medicare Advantage?
Real Medicare does not cover prescription drugs. You have to buy a part D plan. Advantage plans vary as to what they will pay.
I know that!!! I was asking to see if it was an advantage plan that denied. As Part D plans used for Medicare patients have to abide by Medicare rules.
Right too many choose the misnomer "Medicare" Advantage, Then find out they boxed themselves out of Real Medicare and into the private insurance system and all it's ways to save money by not providing the care you need, when it's too late.Whether or not this patient fell into that trap, it a good time to remind everyone, NEVER go on "Medicare" Advantage. Stay on REAL Medicare.
thank you for all the replies. I’m so thankful for all of you.
My sistertook dad to Er. We couldn’t wait for his radiology apt on Thursday. He can hardly walk. They did X-rays and saw something on his spine. They wanted a closer look on MRI. He got 20 minutes in and had to stop. The pain is too great. They will try some stronger meds and try again tmrw. They will probably admit him overnight. Waiting to hear. Hopefully the can do MRI and get him emergency radiation on that spot tmrw.
I’m going to take the day off tmrw to be with him and help him get the help he needs. Any tips on things I can bring him to keep him comfortable.
they are saying they might give him anesthesia to give him mri tmrw
Enzalutamide is a pill. Medicare Part B does not cover pills. That's why you have Medicare Part D for prescription medications. Doesn't he have Part D?
I took Bicalutamide same class as Xtandi but much less expensive?
thanks to everyone. Your responses and support are so encouraging and helped me not feel so alone during this confusing time. Dad came home on hospice today.