anyone successfully using Mebendazole / Ivermectin as adjunctive treatments to traditional treatments ?
offlabels / integrated approach - Advanced Prostate...
offlabels / integrated approach
Yes we are getting info
Heard some have had rapid progression on MBz

You mean it’s not good ?
yes there have been a lot of conversations about ivmtn here , type ivermectin into the “ search health unlocked “ engine at top of page to not repeat unnecessarily.
I can summarize a bit for you. About 2-3 years ago , a number of guys jumped on the fenben- ivmtn band wagon. After several months , the living guys quit …not seeing any beneficial results in their psa , blood tests or scans. The rest that jumped in as a last resort are all dead now.
Since then it kinda goes like this … it’s been discovered that both fenben - ivmtn both impact your liver and / or kidneys. Taking them is no different than any other supplement, if you are so disposed to trying them on yourself. But ….as with all supplements or any self administered drugs, you need to run them by your medical crew for contraindications, and at least monitoring of liver enzymes should take place to prevent you from damaging your organs. If you are old and have aPCa most here , a replacement liver or kidney is NOT in the works for old people transplants.
Agree. Keep an eye on all blood readings, especially liver-related. I've had no real issues over the years.
I’m leaking microalbumin well above normal ( 300 ) and have been for a couple years now. My medical crew says likely liver damage from extended ADT - bone strengthening meds. Just a simple prescribed NSAID caused my liver enzymes to skyrocket over a 30 day period. Taking something like fenben - ivmtn would be a situation where liver enzymes monitoring would be crucial and it’d be very risky.
There are OTC urine test strips available ( I use then regularly , Amazon ) that measure album / micro album tho. Just for ducks.
All this just IMHO, not a medical doctor and don’t play one on TV.
I am currently doing Pluvicto and am taking 2 ml of 1% ivermectin daily when I remember. Ivermectin has very low toxicity and many thousands of doses have been administered with no ill effects so I figure WTF. I have no idea if this is impacting my kidneys or liver. or if it is helping in any way. My regular blood tests do not show kidney or liver issues that would prevent continuing Pluvicto. Both my nuc med team and two medical oncologists are aware of my Ivermectin use and do not see a problem with it. My Pluvicto treatment is proving somewhat successful. Radiographic progressiojn has reversed and PSA is slowly going down.Better than the rapid rise before Pluvicto.
Best best best to you. Failed chemo ? We are trying to avoid it : bone mets continue though so 🤷🏻♀️
Yes, I have used fenbendazole for 4 years, Ivermectin for 3+. Plus numerous supps, rituals, big changes in consumption, exercise, etc.
And, very importantly, I've been on Lupron almost 5.5 years, since diagnosis as metastatic.
I haven't made any claims for the effectiveness of any of the alternative things, but I am pleased with my stability up to now. Of course, we all live blood test to blood test, scan to scan. I recently had a rise in PSA, but a PET scan that both oncologists deemed noticeably better (based on the actual images, not the report) than the last one in September 2021.
Interestingly, while the radiologist wrote the report in a way that cautiously suggested stability, the oncologists both had difficulty finding the uptake at all in 2-3 key places. On the remaining 2-3, they both felt the visual results were noticeably muted for the 1/3/2024 scan compared with the 9/2021 scan.
I've often been frustrated with scan reports, and how they're written, so it was nice to have both oncologists spend a fair amount of time comparing the images from both scans.
Scan interpretations is probably a good topic unto itself.
Where do you get your alternative medications from? Thank you for any advice!
A variety of places. Swanson's is my go-to vendor for supplements. I usually buy Ivermectin from Chewy, and Fenbendazole from Walmart's web site or Valley Vet web site.
I noticed a warning message on the boxes of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin (see below):
Quote: Be aware that some men who use this medication are subject to begin hugging and rubbing against another humans leg. Also be aware of using the word HEAL in front of those users and of ending up with a yellow leg.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Ivermectin from what I read has had some success for colon cancers, you can go to a site called Heal Navigator for a few success testimonials for prostate cancer and Fenben. Fenben seems to help as a combination with chemo. Look into DCA = Di chloroacetate. Comes with temporary Neuropathy can be mitigated with daily B1, Alpha Lipoic acid etc . To learn more go to dcaguide. org .Also Ck out Guy Tenenbaum he knocked out his Pca witha 40 day fast and strict diet and supps. Best