My primary care physician who is totally in the cancer loop just started me on Prolia today. Are there experiences or side effects which I should know about?
Prolia: My primary care physician who... - Advanced Prostate...

What was your T-score on your DXA scan?
Your bio said you just started ADT, as Tall Allen asked did you get a Dexa scan confirming osteoporosis?
Did your dentist clear you to take denosunab? I check with mine very 6 month cleaning, just in case!!! Read up on Prolix/osteonecrosis
I had a bine scen from two years ago that indicated osteopenia. I have been taking 1200 mg of calcium a day and 2000 and not up to 4000 international units of Vitamin D3. My dentist put two crowns on my molars last summer, but no I did not follow up with him. Perhaps I should. FYI, as well I contacted my cardiologist and will meet with him week after next.
Did somebody say it takes a village?
Calcium is useless without magnesium. In fact too much calcium can be harmful. 60% of Americans are magnesium deficient and very few are calcium deficient. You could become calcium deficient on Prolia as it happens because the bones draw calcium from the blood. Ask for a blood test to check vitamin d as well as magnesium. God Bless.
Looks like I need typing lessons. Bone scan is the word.
I agree w Still in shock. I tried Prolia at insurance company’s request. I had uncomfortable SEs, whereas I’ve had zero SEs with Xgeva (more than 40 times over past eight+ years). Definitely get your dentist on board.
my husband does have osteoporosis. He has had 2 Prolia injections and so far, no problems. A friend of mine who is a rehab physician (and female) has been on it for four years with no problems. Of course, everyone is different with side effects.
Everyone is different. Where have I heard that before?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.