My husband was recently diagnosed and we would like to get some second and third opinions to help decide on treatment. I have seen contact info for Johns Hopkins (to submit slides from fusion biopsy) on this forum but I can't for the life of me find it now. Would someone kindly re-post? Or give me a search term that works? He has 2 3+3 and one 3+4 but we are just beginning to learn. His current doctor didn't supply the pathology report until my husband went to the office in person to get it, which makes me think open communication is not his priority. Thank you.
Johns Hopkins second opinion? - Advanced Prostate...
Johns Hopkins second opinion?

Everyone who has gone thru this strongly recommends that new patients get to a Cancer Center of Excellance ASAP, you can find lists of them on line. Other Doctors quite often don't have near the expertise that these nationally recognized cancercenters have, the Cancer Centers of Excellance typically treat orders of magnitude levels of cancer patients, and are at the forefront of new treatment options.So glad I immediately left our local Urologist for Oregon State Heath Univeristy in Ptld Oregon. They did a robotic prostrate surgery, compared to the local Urologist wanting to "split me open" the old fashion way, and I would of eventually ended up at OSHU anyway, for a Prostate Cancer Onocologist. Gets educated yourself as you can, good video series on YouTube by Prostate Cancer Dr. who has decades in the practice, review all those videos ASAP.
Hi rickyfish56, My husband was treated at Portland VA which shares docs with OHSU. His MO was Dr Julie Graff, we both loved and respected her.
No rush. Get as much education as you can to make most informed choices. You have lots of time to do this.
What was the full pathology report?
Your husband does not have an advanced cancer. You should consider active surveillance.
Dont rush
Mayo clinic is a good place for second opinions. Especially for difficult cases.
Everyone is saying not to rush. They are talking about pulling the trigger on a treatment plan.
You should rush to get a few second opinions from several medical centers of excellence.
That means you need to prepare to fly and travel.
With 3+3 and 3+4 you'll need to know if it is contained to the prostate. If it is- then no rush to decide anything. That is not considered advanced prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer group on this site might be of more help if your husband's cancer is contained. But I totally understand getting the 2nd opinion at a center of excellence- I would too! Hopefully you've gotten the whole pathology report.
Here's a Prostate Cancer group here Sometimes asking on the site that more closely matches the diagnosis will get more replies that pertain to the diagnosis.
I received a second opinion from Johns Hopkins via my urologist. Really glad I got it as they were very thorough and gave good advice.
Greetings SW,
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Thank you!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.