just started Erleada with my ADY, I enjoy pot daily, anyone else smoke pot and are on the above. No side effects yet!!!
Erleada & ADT: just started Erleada... - Advanced Prostate...
Erleada & ADT

Smoking is bad !!
well I still smoke to get high, however, it also relieves my anxiety about 4 1/2 yrs of PCA crap. It also makes me a lot nicer to be around and not all doom and gloom.
I do a dose of Ricky Simpson oil in the evening. A tiny dot does me for the night.
One might search THC , and CBD on here.
I see this thread as being about the combination of ADT and the ARI Erleada, with the addition of THC (marijuana) and/or CBD (gummies or oil).
I am on Orgovyx (relugolix) ADT with no side effects, and about to add the ARI Erleada. And I have wondered if CBD or THC would be OK with them. I mentioned it to my urologist and he didn't know anything. I wish I could find something positive about CBD or THC.
"Cannabidiol may significantly increase the blood levels of relugolix. This may increase the risk and/or severity of side effects… If you do have to take both medications, you should take relugolix first, then take cannabidiol after at least 6 hours to minimize the effects of the interaction." drugs.com/drug-interactions...
"Most major and moderate negative interactions are with drugs that are opioids or sedatives, e.g., benzodiazepines and sodium oxybate. Some of these are cancer medications used in immunotherapy or hormone treatments, e.g., pexidartinib (Turalio) and relugolix (Orgovyx, Relumina)… " leafwell.com/blog/10-medica...
This very negative site about Orgovyx and marijuana is by a rehab organization so not very scientific: worldsbest.rehab/orgovyx-an...
It is way different. For one thing, cannabis is a bronchodilator while tobacco does the opposite. I personally use an herbal vaporizer where I vaporize cannabis flower. I've been safely using cannabis medicinally for 51+ years, smoking it mostly until vaporization became available for me around 2007, initially for glaucoma, currently for a host of conditions.
THC by inhaling, by ingesting, and sublingual. Every day. The only medicinal use I know is full spectrum CBD oil which is legal everywhere as far as I know. 80 mg twice/day is supposed to be detrimental to cancer.
However, it's not up to anyone on this list to tell you what to do or not do about that. It's bound to have a negative effect on someone. Give yourself the best chance of long-term survival.
I'll continue to trust to trust the opinions of scientists, doctors and other health professionals as I have over my 51+ years of using cannabis medicinally rather than some random cannabigot in an online cancer group.
Let your freak flag fly....also helps w se ...im on elgard / erleada....vape/ edibles...as needed...getting by since 72'...bw
52 years of cannabis use, the bulk of it smoking. I have no lung issues, no ill effects. I am living research! If it's so dangerous, why am I completely unaffected?
I don't know much about the overall impact of pot smoking on one's health. But- to cite yourself , one human being as some type of evidence for it's safety by asking "...why am I completely unaffected" is just plain foolish.
There are exceptions to every rule and there are also unexplained results in medicine.
Why not ask about tobacco smokers who smoke a pack a day for 50 years and don't develop lung cancer, while a huge percentage of people who smoke a pack a day for 50 years do?
I'll tell you this, cannabis is way more safer than any of the radiation, surgery ADT, chemo etc. we take to treat this disease. Medical cannabis is legal in what 40 states now. The FDA wants to reschedule it to Schedule 3. I have personally received approval to use cannabis medicinally from at least 15 physicians or more. All my doctors have no issue with it. Furthermore, it's obviously helping my overall wellness. If you don't like it, fine. Don't judge me. Your obstinacy on this issue I'm afraid does indicate cannabigotry. Sorry you have such authoritarian tendencies. Where are the victims?
I agree NPC…I don’t like how I would deal with this crap without it. It’s really legal here in Canada. All of my Drs have no issue with it, but if were to tell them I was smoking cigs, hey would kill me. Enjoy your day.
Your comments don't make any sense without context. Healthy people should not get radiation, have surgery or take chemo. Of course radiation, surgery, chemo etc. all have health risks associated with them. But- if used judiciously, science has established them to be STATISTICALLY beneficial in extending life and alleviating pain. Cannabis may also have the effect reducing pain and treating side effects from certain medications. For some people, and you sound like one of them, the advantages cannabis offers may outweigh the risks. But- that doesn't mean cannabis is "SAFE" and it doesn't mean, at least on a statistical basis, that it doesn't harm the lungs. If it helps you, that's GREAT.
So you are taking on higher lung cancer risk on top of having APCa? GLWT
I’ve been smoking weed for 50 years now 85. Had prostate removed in 2017. PSA a year later rising. A year of Lupron hated the hot flashes. Now Orgovyx and Aberitarone. No side affects PSA <1
Have you tried Ketamine Infusions. I’ve had 6 love.