Milford Hospital Wokeness: This is just... - Advanced Prostate...

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Milford Hospital Wokeness

Derf4223 profile image
54 Replies

This is just what cancer patients need, with the mental stresses and even disorders that come with the turf. Moral of the story: Say as little as possible. You are being critically watched and the watchers are very prone to take insult and hassle you.

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Derf4223 profile image
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54 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

They seem to be asking for civility. What's wrong with that? You misunderstand "woke" - which is an ethical system that divides identity groups into oppressor/oppressed.

Worked_the_World profile image
Worked_the_World in reply to Tall_Allen

Somewhat disagree here. Woke is active aggression disguised as feel good virtue signaling. "I am so superior it is disgusting."

We can instead see each person as a human being with a story and a background that made them as they are. Give each your respect, tolerance, and empathy and drop labels.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Worked_the_World

Wokeness sees the world through a lens of oppressor/oppressed ideology. People are part of the oppressed group by virtue of their group identity, everyone else is in a suspect class. Examples are, The Frankfort School of Neo-Marxism, and Critical Race Theory.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Tall_Allen

Don't you want to add Darwinism, maybe that's no longer devisive enough in these end times

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to 85745

What does Darwinian evolution have to do with it?

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Tall_Allen

Ah maybe group identity, you know like the Geico caveman , talk about being oppressed, lol

Popepaul profile image
Popepaul in reply to Tall_Allen

The description of woke as an ethical system requires a significant stretch of the imagination. The article suggests that a disrespectful use of language could lead to a loss of care. Who decides what degree of disrespect warrants a withdrawal of treatment or care. I worked for much of my life in psychiatry. If this measure had have been applied then most of the patients would have been discarded from care. Common civilty begets common civility.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Popepaul

It certainly is an ethical system - oppressors are always wrong, oppressed are always right. Demarking morally right and wrong defines ethical systems.

The doctor demands civil behavior and behaves with civility. If the patient doesn't respond in kind, I think he should drop the patient.

Popepaul profile image
Popepaul in reply to Tall_Allen

I think that what you are implying is that Wokism is an ethical stance it is absolutely not a system. Your construct is extreme to say the least Patients can become confused, delirious. Psychotic, they may be in pain, worried, alone in this world. At times the day of the the medical appointment may be the worst day of their life. Intemperate language is often used. The medical staff and the establishment which they represent occupy a position of power. The exercise of this power has to be tempered.Just as an aside, I personally have been punched, spat at kicked, bittenand stabbed on various occasions while on duty. I always found that the use of empathy and common civility by healthcare staff would reduce verbal abuse to a minimum. The trajectory thereafter was always positive.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Popepaul

I don't understand the distinction you are making between a stance and a system. It is an ideological system of ethical beliefs and practices. If you want to call it a "stance," it seems to be a distinction without a difference.

If you, as the physician, are ok with the way a patient behaves, there is no problem, is there?

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Popepaul

Alert ! "We have one that can see" lol And there fully backed by the entire health care system and the medical insurance providers. Once they put in your record not treatable good luck . Maybe if you agree to a re education camp all good

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Tall_Allen

the road leading to a hellish nightmare is always paved with good intentions.You don't need another corporate policy. Every Hospital has security in place to handle situations that may arise.Ever since that dreadfull day All employees have been fully trained for situation far worse. Every nurses station have silent alarms , the highest level of security measures are in place. Step out of line and the response time is ....

fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply to Tall_Allen

Yeah my urology office had a hand made sign asking for civility. They needed it. I know from personal experience that they were often indifferent, at best, to their patients. It was the office staff and nurses, not the doctors, who were the culprits.

JohnInTheMiddle profile image

Yeah okay everybody should be civil. Most hospitals have some sort of notice about no tolerance for abuse etc.

But what's missing here in healthcare is what's at stake and governance. The stakes are very high and with a large imbalance of power between institution and credentialed authorities on one hand and on the other hand a comparatively powerless patient. We could even say that the stakes can even be escalated to life and death.

Now we know that all institutions have some greater or lesser degree of dysfunctionality. And in particular in any healthcare system we know there is an ongoing problem of complexity and iatrogenic failure.

This is recipe for conflict. Fearful patients and overworked staff. And there's another aspect to this which is the issue of time. Decisions have to be made quickly and sometimes time is running out.

That the hospital is appointing itself here judge, jury and executioner while also at the same time being an interested party, is nuts. And no independent recourse. While the hourglass runs out. (And we haven't even talked about moral hazard either - which is to say that a patient disagreeing with treatment could be accused of being uncooperative.)

The fact that this conflict between patient and healthcare providers is even an issue is reflective of the corrosive effect of neoliberalism. Incivility and punitive institutional governance are both symptoms of breakdown of communal solidarity.

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply to JohnInTheMiddle

Disagree...wording seems perfectly reasonable to TA, simply asking for civility from both patients and staff. Any business has the right to set conduct standards while on its property!!! Isee nothing about refusing treatment advice, ie being "uncooperative", as an unacceptable behavior???

fast_eddie profile image
fast_eddie in reply to maley2711

Civility ... or else!!!

No soup for you !!!

Serenity now !!!

Where the dr went off the rails was when he said “body language”. I mean seriously?

Other than that though, there wasnt much there. With the terrorist attack in Israel and subsequent response, there is tension everywhere.

reichel profile image

I volunteer 2 days a week in a the Emergency Department of a very big hospital in Boston. They do not tolerate abusive behavior toward staff. I do not find this policy unreasonable based on my experience.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to reichel

Ever work or been in a nursing home for any length of time.

reichel profile image
reichel in reply to 85745

not yet. hope to avoid it

Derf4223 profile image
Derf4223 in reply to reichel

The problem with wokeness is that it has escalated anything someone could be insulted by into the same category as physical assault. And it has made being male, let alone white, third caste with fewer rights etc.

reichel profile image
reichel in reply to Derf4223

In the emergency department wherei an it has nothing to with wokeness. it has to do with safety for all and efficiency. It seems that some folks are reading too much into this.

HikerWife profile image

I have no trouble with this. They are responding to an increasing number of incidents. As T_A said - they are just asking for civility. This has nothing to do with "wokeness".

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to HikerWife

I agree after all "Never let a good crisis go to waster'

Apisdorsata profile image

I worked in health care for 45 years. We encountered many disrespectful, even mean patients even 45 years ago and just lived with it unless they were violent. Drug addicts were the worst. I remember one addict, when I was an intern, who came in with severe pneumonia who was rude every day when we saw him on rounds, demanding to leave against medical advice, AMA. We talked him into staying day after day. After about a week the resident, my supervisor, said "OK, discharge him AMF". Not wanting to show my ignorance in front of the patient I waited until we were out in the hall to ask what AMF meant. The response: "Adios Mother F....."

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Apisdorsata

I watch The Patriot Nurse ,

Explorer08 profile image

In this day and age codes of conduct are 100% essential to maintaining a safe and civil work environment.

85745 profile image

Understand how and by whom division has always been seeded into the human psyche, Division amonged the people world wide is the ultimate control mechanism, as long as there is strife rather than unity, control out of chaos can be ordered up with ease. Just listen to the news narratives. Sign of times, eyes to the skies

9020B profile image

Moderators, if you are going to censor one side of a political discussion, you may as well delete the entire thread.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to 9020B

Trust me that's coming, down the memory hole. woke up vs wake up , lol

Darryl profile image
DarrylPartner in reply to 9020B

Ad hominem remarks and nasty comments about other people will be deleted but nothing relevant to this topic has been censored

Derf4223 profile image

Most hospitals do not disclose their codes of conduct. So a patient walks in blind. The thing I detest is when the people with the power (staff) decide to be insulted based on their own criteria, and formally complain to their superiors. When the superiors take a subjective stance and tell the patient in so many words "your were bad. There is no excuse (not even medication/disease-related)," etc. Then the patient is subject to groveling for forgiveness and fearful that care might be denied.

The Milford guy said "patients would have a chance to explain themselves." If I were in that position and knowing what I know now I would record the meeting for possible outside counsel review, and let the hospital rep know. (I have learned in a whole other context of contention with a narcissistic boss trying to intimidate me that formal notice of outside review makes a huge difference.)

A proper staff code of conduct should mandate objectivity. Period. Full stop. And take context into account.

I can relate one consequence of seeing whingy staff subsequent to a whingy incident. I was very cold and non-volunteering of anything not clinically relevant. When asked "how are you doing" I answered "within the scope of treatment, OK". When asked which injection I wanted first, I answered basically "Why do you ask?". No pleasantries. I was on full alert to minimize chat. Upon exiting the treatment room, I said "bye."

swwags profile image
swwags in reply to Derf4223

LOL - no one needs to read a patient code of conduct. Behave yourself and be respectful. That's not woke, it's civil. Doesn't require documentation. Too funny.

Derf4223 profile image
Derf4223 in reply to swwags

LOL back at you. My simple (evidently too simple) point is "A proper staff code of conduct should mandate objectivity. Period. Full stop. And take context into account." Staff taking offense is (a) their decision ultimately out of the patient to control, and (b) entirely subjective. Dangerous behavior is a whole other matter. Since when does injecting a physically compliant patient require they be obsequious too?

Teacherdude72 profile image

Tired of woke. I am polite but don't participate

MoonRocket profile image

Someone always hijacks these threads and berates or attempts to dominate the exchange of opinions. Don't dare challenge less you be cancelled. Apparently, only one view of this published code of conduct is allowed.

One only needs to watch the clips coming out of the WEF to know the real intentions.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to MoonRocket

Oh please don't leave out the WHO ,

MoonRocket profile image
MoonRocket in reply to 85745

I lived in Milford, MA for a brief time, 1970 - 1974. I was in this hospital on several occasions with a broken wrist, leg and stitches. It was primarily a white area back then. Not sure of the demographics now but would be surprised if it changed much. Highly doubt there is much incivility.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to MoonRocket

China town , Little Italy, German town , when the inheritors came here during the last great reset they many settled in ethnic communities, some still do, MA was mainly Irish inheritors . A divergence from this were the orphan trains and dispersing of orphans,by the thousands. Why so many, topic not to be discussed here, plus I would take up the whole comment page. lol I wil say this very little of the old world structures in America and abroad remains most has been intentionaly destroyed.

MoonRocket profile image
MoonRocket in reply to 85745

The rose granite was quarried from this area. The stone is prominent on many of the government buildings in MA. Just to show the level of thinking in this town, they built a new High School during the early 70s. Instead of using the rose granite the town is known for, they imported Italian stone and heated the school with electric. The level of thinking hasn't changed much.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to MoonRocket

Interesting, I am refering to a time period starting around 1860 into early 1900. Although earlier maps dating much further back are very telling when it comes to historical account vs official historical records. But now their willing to come clean about space ships, what a joke. How about starting with history and it's timeline.

Boywonder56 profile image
Boywonder56 in reply to 85745

Listen to tom russells .." the man from god knows where"....a great american history lesson

j-o-h-n profile image

On two separate occasions I have had to speak to "the manager (different ones each time)" of a facility of a well known New York Hospital regarding the treatment I received in their building. One incident involved an over reacting rent a cop security guard and the other incident was caused by the person manning the checking in desk. Well, me being the nice civil person, with a wonderful personality who loves humor..... all the smoke has dissipated.

Of course, everyone should control their negative emotions but it is difficult in the world we live in today. Last weekend I spent 7 hours in ER for "service time" which normally would have taken 2 hours or less. So you brew for 5 additional hours until the coffee gets overheated. Growing up the US had a population of 180 million, today it's 331 million (almost double), geez that's a lot of parking spaces being taken up. Remember the rats in an enclosed area test? Test was/is spot on. So my advice is to lower the ever growing civilization (emphasis on civil) in the US by marketing those shine in the dark (various colors) condoms with a tiny vibrating battery which play that song "glow little glow worm" while in use (BTW no refills).

So as far as the word Woke is, I never understood what it mean (don't forget I'm still trying to figure out the word weed) and still don't understand what it means. But inasmuch as it's related to the word Joke, I'll give it a pass.

Note: Copies of this post are for sale.... just contact your local AI station for coupons.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 01/20/2024 3:37 PM EST

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to j-o-h-n

Forget weed, I don't know what it is to be woke, but I sure know what it feels like to be broke as in negative cash flow not to sound to impactfull I'm F---- BROKE man , lol

Shams_Vjean profile image

About 15 years ago a coworker related to me how when his mother was hospitalized she exclaimed “Get that N*****r out of my room” when a nursing aide came in to change her bed sheets. My coworker was greatly embarrassed and apologetic with the aide, who made no fuss about it.

I remember when I was young growing up in Virginia (not Mississippi) that same racist remark would have been considered perfectly acceptable. My coworker’s mother saw nothing inappropriate in her reaction, and would have surely raised ten kinds of Hell if anyone suggested to her that she should be more respectful or at very least ‘put a cork in it’.

Some, like my coworker’s Mother, will always lash out at any effort to raise the bar for civility as would cause them to change their habitual ways of interacting with others, including imagining the creation of ‘death panels’ and similar hyperbole as a result of doing so; when the very real danger to accessing quality healthcare in the US comes from the corporatization of the healthcare system. E.g., a huge percentage of retirees enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans have no access to healthcare Centers of Excellence, which dramatically affects the outcome of their disease progression and survivability. Where’s the outrage for that sort of disparity and disenfranchisement; which has much more steadily eroded access to healthcare than any policies directed at raising the bar for civility?

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Shams_Vjean

Tell Me Shams, if you're an American citizen, ....Do you believe in Free Speech (First Amendment Rights)? Exception: not yelling fire in a theatre, if there is no fire.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 01/20/2024 11:13 PM EST

Shams_Vjean profile image
Shams_Vjean in reply to j-o-h-n

Of course, including the debate of ideas/views in many forums. And I also believe in the right of businesses to refuse service based upon the criteria of their choosing, provided it’s not in violation any laws.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Shams_Vjean

Thank you for your response......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Shams_Vjean

Read my above comment on Hospital security, I find it ironic that the medical establishment is spewing out the same narrative as MSM and our politicians. Ck with your friendly local police ask them how much verbal abuse they take or just watch a few videos. History proves time and again the road to hell is paved with good intentions. N Korea no abuse or acting out of the established set rules tolerated over there, WHO pushing for mandatory health care compliance while we see this role out of health care refusal. I see a classic Hegalian Dialectic playing out in which the average person will no longer have any patient autonomy.

Shams_Vjean profile image
Shams_Vjean in reply to 85745

I support free speech rights AND the right of businesses to refuse service based upon the criteria of their choosing, provided it’s not in violation any laws.

I don’t always agree with how the courts sort out these things; but don’t believe the system is broken or there’s any slippery slope, which some here may perceive, just because some of the rulings don’t go the way I think they should. Nor do let politicians tell me what I should believe about our legal system or judges, especially when their opinions are obviously self serving.

Just like cancer treatments and testing, I consider the opinions of well educated experts in their field for guidance and supplement that with my own research based on proven facts, not theories from websites, blogs, or podcasts selling products and/or ideologies.

85745 profile image
85745 in reply to Shams_Vjean

We can all believe what wilt, while being subjects of the pieces on the chess board being positioned against us as we speak. Thanks for your thought, Eyes wide open

FinnO profile image

Just "asking" for civility? 😂 My English teacher taught me that requests start with “please”. Smulowitz’s statement is not a request but rather a demand for compliance to his way of thinking/speech using denial of healthcare as leverage which is totally against the Constitution (1st Amendment) and the Hypocratic oath. His criteria is also vague so that he can move the goal posts based on how he has prejudged the target. I’d love to see Smully try his “civility request” out on a gang banger swearing at and threatening the ER staff to get the F-ing bullet out NOW.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to FinnO

Well said... Thanks.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 1/20/2024 10:55 PM EST

Boywonder56 profile image

Uh ...i now sport man boobs and would like to be called karen.....i just woke up from 12hrs of sleep after my latest eligard im really woke....i love it when you all tip toe through politics..just say it ....this country is going down the

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