I started Lupron 3 month +Abiraterone + Prednisone almost 4 weeks ago.
In 4 weeks, my Blood Counts went down (see indicators below). My Blood Pressure is higher than before (90 - 148). Medical Oncologist says that it's common for blood pressure to go up and that I should monitor it and start taking High Blood Pressure Medications. I would like to avoid HBP medications as much as possible. And looking for natural remedies and perhaps diet.
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW): 12.1 % [Should Be: 12.2 % - 15.1 %] - Low
Platelets: 154 K/mcL [Should Be: 160 K/mcL - 400 K/mcL] - Low
Please, share your experience and how you handle it.
Thank you.