Have had my third Infusion of PLUVICTO............Usually takes me a week to pull out of the side effects and start a normal , if i can say "Normal " life. Will have that nuclear scan and blood work to see if the infusion is working to any degree. If NOT, we will try something else. Have even considered dropping the essential meds that usually make me sick, and go without . Maybe life would be more agreeable for the time i have left. I only want what is best for me being 85 and dealing with sciatica pain in my lower back, hips and down my legs , making it hard to get around. Have to sit after every little bit of activity.
Pluvicto.................... - Advanced Prostate...

Pain and crippling are unfortunately your only choice.
I hope your suffering eases.
Hello Kian......
Lets hope your latest infusion does the trick.... Keep on keeping on...... At 85 you look 58, it's all in the genes....Thank goodness....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 10/29/2023 11:55 AM DST
J-o-h-n, Happy to say that my PSA dropped from 42 down to 22 , one week after the third infusion. I do not have the info on the nuclear scan as to where the cancer has spread. Will just take it all , one thing at a time.........(Smile )
Good news makes you smile and smiling makes you look young. Let's hope the nuke scan is good news (and makes you handsomer)....
p.s. That avatar of me wearing my NY Yankees hat was taken approximately 3 or 4 years ago, when I was either 83 or 84 years old.....If you do the math you'll see that I'm 87 now.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 10/31/2023 6:07 PM DST
my Oncologist called me a few hours ago and said that the scan showed improvement over the one i had last year. The news is uplifting. I go in on Thursday to discuss staying on the Pluvicto for another three infusions and whatever else comes to mind.
Hello Kian its amazing how young you look.
Regt ypou arding your sciatica pain, why don't you look up McGill he's the greatest specialist in lower back pain and his McGill 3, thats the name of the routine, could alleviate your back pain and maybe sciatica too. There is a lot of videos in youtube about Dr Stuart Mcgill.
Anyway my deep admiration for the way you are fighting it out, you are a real example
Preacher ??????????????????????
??? Don't understand preacher. Is it because I have recommended McGill to many people? He is amazing, a real movement scientist and he got me out of bed and walking after three months in bed recovering from 3rd degree burns in my feet soles
You do look great. I know, that has nothing to do with how you feel.
If you do decide to go ahead with Pluvicto, please look into steroids to alleviate side effects. I get them, on the recommendation of a Dr from MSK during a second opinion. My local RO only agreed to them after a horrible reaction to radiation she administered. The result is little to no side effects and I feel very good for the week of diminishing dose. No pain, no real fatigue, an uneasy stomach (not enough to call it nausea) that may be unrelated.
Of course, YMMV.
Micco............. with the drop of 22, down from 42 for my PSA, I am excited. See my regular Oncologist in three days , and we will discuss it all. Will also ask about these steroids to alleviate side effects. I also have an uneasy stomach that could be from the Pluvicto. Not quite as bad as diarrhea , but more of a "Gassy" and bubbly situation that causes accidents...................( lol ) Even experienced this when i soiled the sheet on the bed of the scan i just had. Embarrassing ??????????????? You bet.
I am very sorry for what you are having to endure. It sounds unbearable. My personal plan is to keep pursuring treatments until the side effects outweigh the benefits for exnding my life. I want to spend as much time as possible enjoyng life, pursuing writing anf drawing and spending time with friends and family.
However, at some point, our options seem to disappear and we many times are only left with pain and suffering. I live in a Right-to-Die state and that gives me some solice. Some may find that option unacceptable based their religious beiefs and I respect that. They are all very personal decisions.
I am 64 and while I certainly want to continue living as long as I can with some reasonable quality of life, I also do not want to put my family, nor myself, through a protracted period of pain and suffering for all involved. I have lived my life as best I knew how and I am not afraid to die but do not want to spend months in extreme pain.
Good luck to you. I hope your find the path that is the right one for you.
dmt1121.............. Thank you soooooo much for your comment. I have been at this for a long time it seems. Not as long as some and longer than some. I too want a extended life as free of pain as possible. If there is NO quality, what is the point. No one , more than me, knows what takes place outside the Dr.'s office. When i mentioned sitting in the car with the motor running and the cracks sealed, she said that sounds like a plan, and i want you to call me if you feel the urge to harm yourself. I am NOY really that kind of person, even with these thoughts.
I do not want to burden people with feeding, bathing and getting me to the bathroom. I do love life and also draw and paint and play the piano.
It sounds like you are on a basically positive and clear trajectory. Many of us have a passing thought of putting an end to it. For me, it would be a matter of my level of desparation and would be through a process, involving doctors and family, not on my own.
This is my concern about starting Pluvicto. My Onco is setting it in motion before I have had a chance to get in to the side effects. All he has said is the "most men tolerate the therapy very well". He said that about ADT which put me in bed for 11 months. If ADT is required with Pluvicto, I can't start it, ever. It will be pain and crippling then. Only with a faster start and faster progression.