Alternatives: There is an old adage... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Gollam profile image
60 Replies

There is an old adage

When a physician prescribes for his own malady, and a lawyer pleads his own cause, the one is considered as having a fool for his patient, and the other as having an ass for his client.

Well perhaps I am that fool of a patient but before I continue this diatribe I ask you to bear in mind I have had success in the arena before.

Particularly with another condition relating to myself called Ankylosing spondylitis diagnosed circa 2000 .

A condition officially recorded as chronic ,progressive and incurable . Cured ? I really don't know I certainly have had no issues with it for many years and require no medicines.

Anyway …. Testing is still ongoing but so far reports

Adenocarcinoma of prostate

Gleason 3+4 in 6 out of 6 cores up to 70% involvement ,with Gleason 4 about 20%

MRA staging T3a NO

Oh and just to add to my joys this routine test of the UK's aged revealed 'poorly controlled atrial flutter throughout the heart rate variability 110 – 130 bpm .. mean of 117bpm

Well biblically I guess if the three score and ten were true – I'm pretty near it!

I also take it as grated the the wheels are going to, if not fall off develop a few loose nuts as we all get older'

I also haven't mentioned metastasis that's because as yet I haven't had that particular scan (The NM bone for the whole body is due Aug 2nd)

Well you guys , my peers, I'm sure are well aware of the bewildering array of information to be digested and the choices that are presented very quickly.

In my own case those options expand through previous experience.

You remember the diagnosis of AS mentioned earlier ? Like now with PC I joined a forum related to the condition, I alleviated myself of all the symptoms and along the way helped several others rid themselves of the painful scourge, including incidentally a UK GP who was unable to work himself because of the condition.

Rather a different condition but here I am writing on the subject as Duncan in 2018, on a thread I called

A silver bullet for an unwanted guest

There are many thousands of readers as you'll see, and as it really has nothing to do with Prostate cancer I only ask you to take note – It was done and it was successful for others and myself

Well it rather seems to me I have another very unwanted guest to deal with now . (as do most of us) and as should always be the case we each should have the the option of what the medical 'Legalese' call

'informed choice' – Well the truth is I still have information forthcoming as explained earlier.

Whilst I am no medico and certainly would never advise anyone medically I am at pains to point out that 'Informed choice' on any number of related subjects is yours by right.

And I'll be delighted to share my own particular journey with you. I'd also like to share the information I base decisions on and the historical reasoning , If only for you interesting comments

My kind regards Gollam

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Gollam profile image
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60 Replies
mrscruffy profile image

The only 2 people I know that have used the Rife machine for cancer are now dead. two different cancers and neither were successful. I will pass for now

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tomrscruffy

Yes I can easily believe that mrscruffy and it doesn't surprise me that like the vast majority of folks you choose to swerve this particular system.

That is exactly the point however Its your choice.

The bugbear with Rife Systems is discovering the correct frequencies which even historically were hidden with 'smoke and mirrors' as there was no way to patent ' a frequency' and make money.

It also takes something of a learning curve to drive one of those machines.

Around the world many clinics are now collating those frequencies again, based on a German initiative - ETDFL

As Rife equipment is usually a no contact , non invasive system so I assume your friends used it as an adjunct to normal procedure and so would be dead anyway!

There are many choices and many views and by way of a contrast here I.M.H.O is another powerful alternative presentation.

We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,

lawyers destroy justice,

universities destroy knowledge

governments destroy freedom

the press destroy information,

religion destroys morals,

and the banks destroy the economy.

Christopher Hedges

Again its up to each of us to make use of our legal right to make an ' Informed Choice' which alas behoves that we make some attempt to become 'informed' which is a very different thing to being advised .

Kindest regards Gollam

GSDF profile image
GSDF in reply toGollam

Hoooooo boy!... so right on brother... 👍

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply toGollam

Can't agree with you on that list of destoyers....indeed Imho a number of those in the list are ridiculous assertions.....if those are actually your beliefs?

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tomaley2711

I wrote clearly 'as an example ' however by the rule of ' do no harm' the list the man provides seems pretty harmless.

As for my beliefs , I haven't really had time to embrace the situation facing me yet being only recently diagnosed.

having said that, much of what the man writes I do agree with particularly the stench of Rockefeller and the world wide body of the various MA's and so called 'societies' and their cartel's as exemplified by this alternative cancer therapist (Bill Henderson) and other web sites mentioned in his short piece of audio


Kind regards Gollam

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply toGollam

I choose to have more faith in fellow humans.....if I believe most of that on that list, would leave me in a state of deep despair !!!! I prefer to live by " innocent til proven guilty" rather than "guilty intil proven innocent" .

why the hell would I place mor efaith in an " alternative cancer therapist" ????

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tomaley2711

I think you miss the point here - It is the related information I ask you to take note of here not Bill Henderson per se - who died some years ago anyway.

As for what you opt to put your faith in, that is an option we each have to make (given the information of course) as you've already made that choice and your clearly locked on the path you've chosen I really and sincerely wish you health and happiness with it.

As for myself its options and choices I've yet to make along with others.

kind regards Gollam

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply toGollam

Best of luck! What is your opinion of randomized trials ?

PSAed profile image
PSAed in reply toGollam

And food producers trying to poison us! 😄

Politicians try to....I'll stay clear of that one.

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toPSAed

As you like PSAed we all have informed choices to make (as far as that goes) and like it or not the politicians are probably even deeper in the medical midden than the drugs industry' and its interlinked cartels right now .

I suggest a hard look at the history of the control and narrow banded training and subservience of the present system as dictated by the various MAs and interlinked societies world wide .

As I repeatedly point out -Its your choice to make informed consent -- Not advised consent .

The history of the corruption of well established procedure and its transformation into an ' only for profit drugs industry controlled miasma ' is explained step by step in this award winning documentary by Canadian James Corbett .

The title is - How big oil conquered the world - however it may as well be how the very wealthy gain control of everything essential to life and particularly 'health systems'

little has changed in fact if anything things are far worse -- however all the facts expressed here are easily verified should you choose to believe these events happened and are still progressing - as usual that's entirely up to you dear reader .

My kind regards Gollam

PSAed profile image
PSAed in reply toGollam

Actually Gollam, I was only half- joking. As far as I’m concerned I think the food industry ( at least some of them) only care about their profits and whatever low standard they can get away with. Witness the obesity and diabetes present numbers and they are predicted to multiply in the near future. Yes people are “ free” to choose, however the food industry are very much in control of our food supply. It won’t stop until the cost of the damage to health outweighs the financial benefits to governments, not unlike what happened with the tobacco industry.

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toPSAed

I realised that of course PSAed - but others reading might not . The recent covid farce did quite a lot to show me how incredibly stupid the human flock really is.

So called clever folks not cognisant of what any primary school pupil has been taught and knows well.

Exponential is not --- never has been --- never will be --- A curve, for instance .

Particularly if applied to any virus ever in the history of mankind, if it ever were we would quite simply no longer be here, and it really is that 'basic'

Likewise youngsters are taught at least the foundations of epidemiology with stories of typhoid Mary and the ilk. Regardless I then watched in amazement three years of what amounts to a huge world wide 'bed room farce' half expecting Brian Rix to leap out of a wardrobe with a syringe driver full of genocidal midazolam or morphia at any moment . Alas I fear that's only act one of the whole script.

The long term effects of what's been injected and pumped into the flock is yet to be seen.

Regardless I now seem to have acquired something else to concentrate on concerning my prostate !

My kind regards Gollam

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply toGollam

Gollam wrote -- " ... We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,

lawyers destroy justice,

universities destroy knowledge

governments destroy freedom

the press destroy information,

religion destroys morals,

and the banks destroy the economy ... "

Forgot the greatest *truth* of all ---

*everything one reads on the NET is 101% truthful* 😏

I'll pass.

Karirudy profile image
Karirudy in reply toaddicted2cycling

I don't agree with any of those assumptions. There are peacemakers, healers, educators and those in religious organizations fighting for peace and social justice! Though I'm sure there are one offs to anything. And what's the point??

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toKarirudy

Its not me your agreeing or dis-agreeing with I didn't write the words only quoted the mans opinion. - I'm also pretty sure its aimed at a syndicated 'majority '

Kind regards Gollam

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply toGollam

Some of you comments here suggest you have a lot of agreement with tings on that lst. BTW, what are your scientific credentials? Do you "believe" in randomized testing of a treatment or drug???

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tomaley2711

With tings Maley ? It is true I have a considered opinion on what I write or else I would not write it at all .

Others peoples views are very important to me, they help me reach a decision . As regards 'Scientific credentials' well that's a broad sword your waving around and as I offer no medical advice I suggest written with that tone it goes straight back in its scabbard PDQ.

My personal information is really not yours to demand on open forum.

I do state in opening 'I am no medico' however that's not quite true as I have had some medical training particularly related to medical instrumentation.

As for 'scientific credentials' I can scribble a few letters after my name in a few subjects mostly electronic / electrically related (if I so wish.)

Do I believe in randomized testing of a treatment or drug ? I've never given it much thought really . Ethically I think not, however perhaps you mean as a general procedure ?

It's perhaps effective and has relevance however I can't help but feel we are all very much individuals and each of us reacts differently.

To apply Bell curve statistics to groups may be the only way to effectively test a specific remedy at the moment, and so Its not really a case of if I agree or disagree, bell curve risk analysis is simple maths and works just as 2+2 might.

I do find it distasteful when applied to humans particularly as I consider the desperate hopefuls being fed 'sugar pills'

I also find it abhorrent when these tests are refused regarding anything running counter to official MA or Rockefeller doctrine . Even when the researcher or organisation offers to fully fund the comparison. Here Maley is an example of that now and from history and so please don't start associating me personally with this treatment I know nothing about it again it is presented as an example

I know its an international forum and I begin to understand your probably not an English speaker by your spelling and lack of comprehension to spell it out again for you -- I have never experienced this treatment . I have no personal view about it one way or the other.

I present it simply because it clearly shows the Rockefellers mothership of the World wide MAs cartel - The AMA refusing to 'random test' A rival treatment

A treatment that is which would not fund the drugs industry. Agree or disagree I hope you enjoy the video

My Kind regards Duncan

maley2711 profile image
maley2711 in reply toGollam

I'll pass on your conspiracy theories,especially since you apparently choose to ignore the benefit of randomized trials.......I have no idea what your alternative method for determining effectiveness would be? Just hearing that so and so claimed treatment X extended his life? Or hearing some guy on a video make claims?? OMG!!!

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tomaley2711

At no point have I said I ignored the benefits of randomised trials - In fact I state they work and that at the moment we have no viable alternative. - There is also nothing conspiratorial I mention -- everything is in fact for the most part quite to the contrary, - that is wide open and free for public scrutiny . Including UN agenda 2030 and that horror really is a OMG ! as for 'some Guy ' I wonder do you refer to Dr Royal Raymond Rife? - Kind regards Gollam

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply tomaley2711

Your over your head Maley w Golam, you may want to listen n learn instead of being so antagonistic n misquoting him…

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply tomaley2711

What are your scientific credentials or not as I too find that list very interesting n quite a bit of truth to it. Keep informed n open minded, Narrow mind clogs the brain 🧠…

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toaddicted2cycling

Don’t be so naive

Bigblock profile image

Hey i wish you well with whatever you choose to do, and there's still more to add to that list cos there trying to destroy our atmosphere also, but i wish you well, i chose my own route, when diagnosised i was Gleason 4+4 T3b No, psa21, I've tried a bit of hormone suppression with not much success, it's brought my psa down for a few months then stops working, all it really done was take my get up and go away, so I've been more alternative things, what i found out was that the Rife machines aren't as powerful as the original ones.What i like in your message is that its our choice to choose which way we go and i wish you and everyone on here the best whichever way they choose cos it's all our own journey, i wouldn't tell anyone which way to go, ive been at this for seven and a half years now and it keeps creeping up, but I've also been on an amazing journey of discovery, looks like my brother is about to be diagnosed, but again it's his journey, so for as long as im here, i look forward to seeing how you get on with your journey and again, wish you the very best as i do everyone on here ❤️😊

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toBigblock

Thank you so much BB I'm still digesting information and alternatives as fast as I can. I linked to another forum as I have previously ventured into the peculiar world that is Royal Raymond Rife .

I was diagnosed with something chronic, incurable and extremely painful then.

The machine I used on myself then was very simple and home made - although driven by lab gear which was far from simple.

To cut this short I ended up shooting myself from foot to neck with an ignition coil pulsed at the specified frequencies - As you might imagine the current through my body I severely limited (or I'd be dead) shooting myself with a Tesla coil wasn't really on my bucket list but "needs must when the devil drives".

however I monitored it in such a way that I was certain the current was passing through me.

' powerful enough' was the very least of my worries .

I was lucky with that condition in so much as the specific frequency required was well known,tried and tested, That isn't the case with prostate Cancer and many other things I'm afraid.

That's why you tend to hear negative reports. Alas there was no way to patent ' a frequency' then or now

and so back in the day the frequencies were 'hidden' That combined with the efforts of the AMA to whom the Rife machinery was a total anathema caused the information to be supressed - To understand limitations imposed by the lack of information I invite you to carefully watch this documentary, a deal of it filmed at the time by the man himself and so it is 'of its time' and for the most part in black and white

I hope you enjoy and it should help you to understand why the genius work of nearly a hundred years ago isn't readily available today.

kind regards Duncan

Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Hey Duncan, let ya know my experience, don't have a BCX myself, but friends have and i was also having treatment with a guy who is an inporter of them, had many years treating and helping people, its his job, i was using plasme tubes to increase the power, when i say about power, its not electrical power, its power in the way the machine works, he did explain it, i shall watch the link thank you, what i wanted to say though was, he's experienced with many years and he said he's had 100% cure in stage 1 and 2, but not in 3 and 4, which i why he wants more power, i tried it anyway but being stage 3 it didn't fix me, just wanted to say for informational purposes,might be better if you had your own machine, but i did use it a lot, 👍😁

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toBigblock

Hi again BB I do already own quite a lot of spooky2 equipment (including central) but I haven't pointed it at this condition (yet)

I intend to let the medico's finish their diagnosis first, and then decide, meanwhile I'm harvesting and hoovering up all the information I can .

As for the power aspect BB I happen to be a Radio Ham , and an electrical engineer to boot so, if or when push comes to shove I'll project any amount of ( energy is the right word b.t.w not power - just to be pedantic lol ) at the required frequency .

Very sage advice however and I thank you for it - Kind regards Gollam

Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Ahh cool you've got equipment, yeah i must admit i don't know myself enough about power and energy, I'm just going by, who has become my friend now, what he was saying about the power, as he's been looking for years to find someone that can build him a more powerful, more energy, however we want to describe it, but build a new machine, but he doesn't have the money to get big tech companies to do it, but it's that reason he feels he struggles with stage 3 and 4 but success with 1 and 2, Started watching the link on Rife, it's long lol, have already seen quite a bit on him as i find it fascinating, so i shall watch it all thanks, and i wish you all the success with whatever you choose in the future 😀

All the best Martin 👍

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toBigblock

Thanks Martin n keep us posted, we really appreciate it…

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toBigblock

Hi again BB – and thank you very much for the email Its very much appreciated . I'm tardy replying having been otherwise 'detained' some miles away being made radioactive florescent and X rayed

(all old hat to you I'm sure but I'm a new recruit to this this merry band, I didn't want to join)

The “tiny scratch” thing I was promised for the cannula however looks like the guy did it enthusiastically with a garden fork.

Anyway Martin a few observations that might help your friend in his search for a more powerful machine. I was not familiar with the BCX ultra machine and so have had to take some time to read up on it. It seems a very capable easy to use piece of equipment If (as I hope you have) watched the documentary on Rife your aware that he entered a hospice under a the constraints of a university trial, It being documented by the very best specialists in America at the time and every patient was returned to rude health.

That's not so called 'conspiracy theory' which is a meaningless by word that uncomprehending morons running in blinkers seem to bandy about these days – In fact its a well documented and recorded event.

In short Martin be in no doubt,there is a frequency to cure the condition but along with that knowledge begins the frustration .

Perhaps the easiest way to illuminate this for you is to quote the 'official line ' as represented here by 'cancer research ' UK

without wasting your time on to much petty detail pretty much every word is either miss leading or simply – wrong

Lets look at the summery and then let the sleeping dog lie.

1/ Rife machines use electromagnetic frequency – No they do not! They use electrostatic propagation for the most part

2/ Supporters of the machine claim that by using a frequency that is similar to the frequency of cancer cells it can cure cancer.

Such as any claim can be made to ever 'cure cancer' It does not. We all have cancer – all the time! However it does stimulate the bodies own immune system to recognise any particular unwanted guest that may have slipped under the radar and accelerate the 'kill rate'

The supporters per se do not make this claim regarding any frequency anyway . Dr Royal Raymond Rife does but rather as a very crude explanation.

The 'supporters' simply parrot this polymath genius. Rife also states in fact the effect can be observed with harmonic or overtone progression as predicted by Fourier's transfers – making a mockery of this sentence too!

3/ There is no reliable evidence to use it as a treatment for cancer.

Quite the reverse there are mountains of it! quite apart from Rife being clinically investigated and documented at the time by the university hospitals and the very best practitioners available – you also see testimony on this forum. and of course many others. (Quite apart from experiencing it yourself Martin.)

And so we come to the major bug bear of this equipment – Frequencies – or to be precise 'a specific frequency' . You'll note I hope Martin that Rife himself is specific about 'a frequency' related to a specific condition and that it be accurate to within a fraction of a wavelength . – Not strings of various frequencies I'm afraid i.m.h.o that just muddies the waters . Its a scatter gun desperation approach compared to what Rife was actually doing.

The tendency is to assume that with the destruction of Rife and more importantly perhaps, the removal of that amazing microscope from circulation, that the validity of the frequencies could not be revisited and checked.

You forget perhaps that Rife himself was trained in optics at the Ziess works in Jena Germany and that research certainly hasn't stood still .

Allow me to move you forward quite a few years Martin and introduce you to a Frenchman called Gaston Naessens a Haematologist and Microbiologist .

Being left a sizeable largess because of a family bereavement and like Rife years before him, feeling the need for a much better microscope Gaston approached and contracted the 'Ziess works' to make such.

Like Rife before him Gaston being able to see diseases and cancers before him 'in vitro' set about finding the remedies particularly of cancer .

I don't pretend to to understand even part of his 'remedy' because its the microscope that had my rapt attention . It has the same capacity as Rife's , If not with even longer legs !

The point I make here Martin is if the will were there to re-test and confirm the frequencies established by Rife with thirty five years of arduous research it could easily be done!

However alas for all of us here that's not 'profitable' and certainly not on the powers that be agenda.

Gaston himself was led a horrible merry dance almost on a par with, if not worse than Rife.

There is an undercurrent here that we ignore at our peril Martin .

There is a whole technology being suppressed and hidden pertaining to these energy healing methods.

It embraces something called ' The longitudinal wave' which is supposed not to exist in electrical form . However it very much does and was utilized extensively by a few researchers notably Charles Wheatstone and Nikola Tesla. Before being heavily suppressed .

Here are two more researchers Chris Carson and Eric Dollard lecturing a group of Radio amateurs on the subject , The very act of presenting this documentary had pretty devastating results for both men. Chris was very quickly 'toast' and Eric had to spend years years living on the run a'la a hobo .

As you see BB its a pretty extensive subject and the surface is barely scratched .

My kind regards Duncan

Garden fork
Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Ah mate that was a long one, it takes me a long time to write things so i try to keep things short, i have a basic understanding on all of it but you clearly have a much better understanding than i, but yeah i agree with everything you said, you've given me/us a lot to look at, it will take me some time to work through it all as im trying to find out about other stuff ie, Ivermectin, oxygen therapy, but i can clearly see you know what's going on,Ah, although I've been at this awhile now i don't think you ever forget when they diagnosis you with this terrible thing,

Ah i see what you about using a garden fork, mine didn't come up that bad,

Got to have bloods done today so got get ready, but this thread has probably finished now on here, if your up for it, now we have emails we should have a chat because for me especially, i can say so much more than i can write, let me know if you fancy a chat and I'll email you my number and we can work out a time, i get very tired in the evenings now so earlier the better for me.

All the best

Martin 😁

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toBigblock

Martin that will be a pleasure- I'll email you regarding in due course. however I will keep posting because I need input just as much (if not more than the output.)

In that respect Maley was quite right and its why I agreed with him, even if reluctantly

Numbers and repeat events are important . I'm sorry to tire you BB that certainly wasn't my intension - good luck with the bloods

Kind regards Duncan

Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Ah mate your not tiring me, it's the PC, and yes of course keep posting, just saying it's probably just us two on this thread left, need to post a new question 😀

Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Hey Duncan are you in England ?

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toBigblock

Lake district my friend - Kind regards Gollam

Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toGollam

Ah I'm just north of London, Hertfordshire, is there some way we can communicate privately ? I might be able to assist you but I'd like to do it privately.

katartizo61 profile image

There ain't no magic bullet however the BCX Ultra Delux has benefitted me and my cancer dance amazingly well. I also use both systems use frequencies and all things considered I am doing ok. Have cold lasers since 2002

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tokatartizo61

great stuff Kat -- there probably is a magic bullet (I was lucky enough to find it for a previous condition) This time ? I really don't know I haven't embraced what I'm facing yet .

Kind regards Gollam

Teacherdude72 profile image


Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toTeacherdude72

Hi Teacher - where did you spring from ? Huh regards to what I ponder

kind regards Gollam

Teacherdude72 profile image
Teacherdude72 in reply toGollam

Read fully you long post, again. Seems like you are doing what many do that have Cancer: cast about for a cure. This includes off shelf meds and old med that had promise.Not in any way discounting past success with other maladies and those kinds of treatments for either the rare success or inaccurate notes.

Personally I place my trust in my doctor's but additionally do research on treatments and meds.

As to where did I spring from: First Cancer at age 27, prostate Cancer at age 67. Gleason 9, ogoliometastic, now in my eighth year with incurable pca.

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toTeacherdude72

Teacher – thanks for writing back . Casting about ? Well in a way I guess , however do keep in mind I have reversed the situation before.

Casting around also encompasses learning from others. It is clear teacher you have trodden a hard road and I don't envy you that but have a great deal of respect.

I am still coming to terms with my own diagnosis ,I'm taking on board information and trying to make decisions as I'm sure you have done .

Kind regards Gollam

Teacherdude72 profile image
Teacherdude72 in reply toGollam

Hey, given some success with alternatives in your past I do understand. Both my brother and I reduced our cholesterol using the same method. Pure will only. With Cancer I feel there are treatments out there that will work for some but not all. Approved treatments generally have positive outcomes but again not all, for unknown as of yet, reasons.

Keep in contact please and lets compare notes.

Be well. Stay the course on Life, be positive and live fully. Its the only life you have.

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toTeacherdude72

Haha 😂

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toNfler

To your huh? …😁

Lrv44221 profile image

Thank You Gollum. Well written and amazing. As a nutritional practitioner, I will research this to learn more about it, but from what i have read, I find it interesting and informative.

I believe we all have choices, and we pay the consequences for them good or bad..........

I hope you don't get discouraged from writing more because of some of the insensitive responses. I quit writing in here for a while because of that, then a few people PM me saying they wanted to hear more of my alternative educated thoughts.

You have health issues too and I wish People would think about that.

This post was so kind, informative and thoughtful and I thank you for writing.

In Health,


Bigblock profile image
Bigblock in reply toLrv44221

Ahh your words are also lovely, we shouldn't be attacking eachother for our differences, but look on to see if we can learn from eachother, there lovely words and i hope you do post more but understand sometimes why you wouldn't 💗☺️

Lrv44221 profile image
Lrv44221 in reply toBigblock

Thank you Bigblock

I’m glad you replied to me and yes, i might think about posting again 💜💜

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toLrv44221

Yes please post and don’t let a few arrogant pompous u know what’s discourage, as I will personally come to your side as we all know there are many effective ways to attack this virulent disease….😁

Lrv44221 profile image
Lrv44221 in reply toNfler

ok angler I will think about it

So nice of you to offer me your kind words 💜

Lrv44221 profile image
Lrv44221 in reply toLrv44221

Ngler sorry about spelling error

jackcop profile image

I would eat a silver bullet if my PCa would be destroyed. Alas, it just ain't happening. Wishing you all the luck I can give you, Gollam.

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply tojackcop

Thanks Jackcop I hope I find something that works and that might be able to work for you too

Kind regards Gollam

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply tojackcop

Have you looked into this type of treatment, it’s working for me

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toNfler

For sure I have Nfler ! The Ivermectin is shouted out loud and clear in a previous post. (with some slight variation of what you show here) I'm afraid my attempts at obtaining Ivermectin at the practice I'm registered with was met with blank stares and followed with a a lot of 'why not' and why it wasn't appropriate.

To be honest with you Nfler I have even tried a few local Vets now trying to source the stuff .

so far I'm afraid to report a 'fail' That aside I'm delighted its working for you , especially as it seems to put meat on the bones of my Entrée post here .

Thank you very much for the information - My Kindest regards Gollam

Nfler profile image
Nfler in reply toGollam

Your very welcome and if your having problems attaining it, all day chemists are very good about following up weekly on the orders n usually arrive 3-4 weeks after placement of order. I personally do 19 mg/day 4 days a week for maintenance and initial loading dose was 40 mg/ every other day for six doses n tolerated pretty good. Good luck and lmk if I can help in any other way…😁😇😇

Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toNfler

Perhaps things run a little differently on your side of the pond Nfler but what seems to apply here in the UK is a 'supposed' option of free choice.

However that free choice is then basically curtailed to whatever the 'practice' or specialist is prepared or allowed 'To prescribe' for you . So then the 'option of free choice becomes really a controlled illusion.

Ivermectin despite being one of the safest and most innocuous prescriptions available,(and has been for years) Is almost impossible to get a script for in the UK.(however I may have found a vet some miles away prepared to help) Bless

Anyway to bright light this – It is not a chemist or pharmacy problem here Nfler (overnight or otherwise) it is a supply and prescription issue.

A little research will quickly show you that during the Covid farce after Ivermectin was shown to be an extremely effective remedy the entire French stock and reserve was taken out of circulation .

The internet being as she is – there is nothing definitive and the quarrel then becomes a pantomime.

Oh yes it is ---- Oh no it isn't . Its pointless entering into that all again here.

However it would be nice to be able to make your own mind up , particularly if your life may be on the line.

alas Nfler if the stuffs taken out of circulation and the physicians are ordered not to prescribe it anyway things become a little more difficult.

As Ivermectin is out of patent and the medical 'Industry' can't make huge profits on it any more there is no longer any incentive to produce the stuff .

Just to remind folks Nfler I'll spin the clock backwards with a short clip

As always folks must make their own minds up as to the validity of the clip – however I do find Ivermectin difficult to source. (just saying)

Kind regards Gollam

j-o-h-n profile image

Hey Bartender...... I'll have another round....this time put it in a glass....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 07/31/2023 4:05 PM DST

j-o-h-n profile image

Hey Goll why did our parents name you Gollam?

I've told you dozens of times my name should have been Mallog but remember Dad is dyslexic... Drawoh.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 07/31/2023 7:10 PM DST

My High School Year Book Picture.
Gollam profile image
Gollam in reply toj-o-h-n

Very Hansom !

swwags profile image

I'll never understand trolls. They serve no purpose but I wish you well anyway.

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