today I went to MDAnderson to get my results from my MRI w/wo contrast. Endorectal. Ouch. Hate that coil.
Feb 22 I had a Axumin scan that found two mets in my lymph nodes. March I had an MRI that confirmed that and maybe a met in my prostate but my RT said he thought it was scar tissue from prev radiation.
I started Lupron in May and did a PSMA scan in Aug that, AGAIN, confirmed the two mets in my lymph nodes ONLY.
I did radiation in november and december and my PSA has been undetectable for months.
So i go in there tday to see my MO and he says the radiologists says i have a met in prostate, a met on both sides of my pelvis and another in my sacrum. And that the the mets in my lymph nodes are healing.
How could these other mets grow. Me and my MO noticed in the scan that the mets on my sacrum and my pelvis were present in the previous scan done in ‘22. But were not identified as cancerous. They were also NOT identified in the PSMA scan.
Same as the one in my prostate which appears to have shrunk in size. And was also NOT identified in the original PSMA scan.
Is it false hope to think this radiologist is a moron?
My MO wants me to do another PSMA scan. I thought these scans only identified cancer that is growing?
Any thoughts on this is appreciated ….again my PSA is undetectable, and my T is down at 7.
thanks for any input….im lost.