Well I was given my third Pluvicto treatment today.... and when I brought up my rising PSA to two different PA's, I got the same answer... Don't be so concerned about your PSA rising a few points between doses. It is very likely that your PSA running around in your blood is rising.. but the Chemical action of LU-177 s to attach to actual Tumor cells (Uptakes) .. that show up in PSMA PET scans... we will give you another scan and then compare your base line scan with the new one.. and see what and if your Uptakes have changed ie: increased or decreased in size and or new ones show up.. Sooo, if tis is true.. I'm worrying for nothing at this point.. My question is.. are they telling me the truth?? or just keeping me on treatment so thy can obtain more data and bill my insurance 40K a shot...??
I guess the Detective in me questions EVERYTHING..? lol