Hi all. Ty for your support as always. Five days feeding him in hospital and moving him etc, was so hard . Back on duty tomorrow. I miss him so but got weak . He's out of hospital and I'm shocked from a curled up humble position he's choosing to pray they give him pluvicto . His Dr put it through but might be stoped by nuclear Dr. I just could use your advice and prayers bc I know with severe anemia from cll he'd be in danger but I also think he deserves the right to fight .
I'm shocked against these odds my hero found his strength and yesterday stood for the first time in a week . Just updating you bc I could noy have handled this without you guys . Anything I can do to prevent more bed sores or help a tremor that got significantly worse ? I've been devastated except when I'm by his side . then nothing in the world matters except getting my comfortable. We three daughters got sick with the stress of this turning to 24 hour care but I was praying for blood transfusion and I'm glad his life was saved so please those who have known my love pray for us and that his blood levels stay strong and he can survive pluvicto even if it's just a couple treatments . I'm shocked at his fragility and saddened by his pain,but may I just brag a minute that my daddy is such a warrior whi i believe is doing this for us. Ty all for the strength you have given me . Tomorrow I see him again and pray for physical strength bc we don't yet have 24 hour care . I don't know how he found the strength within himself but bc he did I hope his wish is honored though I'm very scared about nuclear effect on the bone marrow . Any support would help. Ty warriors . You truly rock!