Have any of you had your Cardiac Recovery Rate (or Heart rate recovery) drop, shortly after starting Nubeqa/daro or another kind of 2nd line AR (zytiga, xtandi, erleada etc)?Prior to starting Nubeqa, my Cardiac recovery rate was between 29-33. I started Nubeqa about three weeks ago and the two different readings I got this past week, were both 17. That's a big difference in recovery rate. My exercise routines have been pretty consistent for several years. I'm curious if others have had a drop after starting their 2nd line AR. If you have an apple watch or other type of heart rate monitor, you can find the rate on there. For apple watch, go to the "Health" app which is a white box with a red heart in the upper right corner. After opening that, click on "Browse" at the bottom right, and then click on the option for "heart", then scroll up until you see "cardio recovery" and click on that. You can look at the 6month or past one year of data, to see if there was any change since after you started on your new 2d line AR. FYI - a score under 12 indicates a higher risk for heart attack/event. 13-17 is below normal/healthy score so these folks need to keep an eye on their scores and talk to their cardiologists. 18 or above is considered in the normal range. This level of detail is usually not considered when companies do studies to get drugs approved, but it is helpful in trying to prevent death from something other than cancer. Heart events are the most likely way to die other than from the prostate cancer, so it's good to have different ways of measuring the heart health. I'm hoping that my body will adjust to the Nubeqa over time. I had a similar drop in heart rate recovery following two bad batches of Pfizer 19 in March 2021. After extensive physical therapy and detox routines, my body eventually cleared most of the MRNA damage (frozen shoulders, low heart recovery rate and heart PVCs/palpitations) from my body, within about a year. I can't expect that with the Nubeqa because I plan to take it for as long as it works on the cancer, however, sometimes our bodies find ways to normalize and adjust to meds, so we'll see.
Has anyone had their Cardiac Recovery... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone had their Cardiac Recovery Rate drop, shortly after starting Nubeqa/daro or another kind of 2nd line AR?

Just started nubeq/a (damn missing u) on 03/09.......... too soon to check it out....
But -
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/31/2023 12:01 PM DST
john, when you exercise with a heart rate monitor, it will give you a cardiac recovery rate reading automatically.
Good to see you back on this site
Thank you, always glad to see you posting.....
Does that work if I'm exercising with a young female blonde bathing beauty?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/31/2023 3:16 PM DST
definitely lol, especially then, because you'll get your HR up to a higher level before stopping and getting your CRR result.
Very neatly done. U are the best. At first I thought it was early onset dementia.
Never MENTIA that word around me again..... I keep forgetting what it means....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/01/2023 6:42 PM DST
I don't think you've ever forgotten anything in your life, m-a-r-k.
“Mark my words!” I only remember punch lines, not the jokes.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/01/2023 8:22 PM DST
We can't remember how many times we've been punched with your groaners.
I admit it..... I can't remember how many......but I do remember that I even groan at them myself........... But a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/02/2023 4:20 PM DST
I don't know what Cardio Recovery Rate is but normal heart rate is around 55-60.
use a search engine and research it. Its very easy to learn and educate yourself in this day and age. I don’t need to know about heart rate, or i would have asked about it.
Joel, let me know what your rate is. Test it at your next exercise session. Mine was over 34 yesterday. Tested it four times. 34 was my lowest score.
George, thanks for the deailled response. For some reason, it has been deleted by the powers to be. Perhaos they (he?), thought that I should have reasearched it myself instead of asking you to explain. Maybe so, but the truth from here is that I am not interested now that I know what it means. Besides advanced cancer, I have many others issue to occupy my time such as... A-Fib, leaky heart valve, enlarge aorta, macular degeneration, braun tumor, loss of memory, 2 compressed ruptured disks, and other minor heath issues, but in 3 months, God willing I wil turn 87. I do have a home tester and teast may 3-4 times weekly. s. My normal heart rate is between 45-50, on the low side.
Hopefully, this response won't get deleted like yours did. There might be others not knowing the subjest matter and interested.
hey Joel. I have no idea what’s going on these days, with edits and deletes . Part of the new, big brother society.
I’m sorry to hear about your other issues. My dad had a leaky aortic valve as well. When they did a replacement pig tvar procedure, it caused afib. I told the doctors to give him a pacemaker. They would listen to me. My dad took the doctor’s advice to stay home and heal, taking several medications. I was at his home, went to my house for one day. Was going to go back to talk to him about pacemaker etc but he passed on, the day that i wasn’t there. I was heart broken.
Just take it easy. Keep moving. Make sure you have a live monitor that alerts the hospital when if your heart rate gets too low - in the 30s. Don’t exercise other than walking. I’ll say some prayers for you. I hope you’ll live to 90 or above.
George, thanks for the prayers, we can all use more. Sorry to hear about your dad, hopefully he didn't ezperience much pain . I've had heart issues for over 20 years and have been told by several cardiologist that I should have a pacemaker installed. I think that if I had a choice, I would choose to pass through heart failure over prostate cancer. Dying from prostate cancer could be very painful.
Again, thanks for your reply, much appreciated.
Good reply TIG. Guys can use this technique, without having to buy a more expensive heart monitor.
Hello Talent edit guy .............. you edited my post - thanks. But I can dream, can't I. BTW you in the witness protection program again? I haven't see you posting lately...You in trouble?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/31/2023 6:41PM DST
Stupid me.. I forgot to mention I'm getting a side effect from Nubeq/a (damn missing q), which is that I'm getting Handsomer...... note "somer = more"...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/31/2023 6:54 PMDST
thanks GD. Good news, i did my own treats today, manually. I treated four different times. The taste was 34 a couple times, and sing 40-45 the other two times. I still have coronary artery disease since 2015, but i work hard to keep it from getting worse.
Ok. On second thought, I think one of us is having a dementia issue.
I remembered the word..... it's to forget what you remembered...Easy as fallen off a ......................................................................................................................A, B, C, D. E, F,.......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/01/2023 6:46 PM DST
O I forgot, Sunday is non Orthodox Christian Palm Sunday. Thanks for thinking about me.... If you can't remember my station it's "Forest Hills".....Greek Orthodox Easter this year is April 16th and I think it's on a Sunday.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/31/2023 7:01 PM DST
what happened to TIG. He replied to me, according to me email notifications but those messages are not here anyone and it says that user does not exist? This website seems to be getting more like Facebook and dating sites and phoney women. .
When is Greek Orthodox Christmas? December 29th?
Oh we cancelled that years ago.............we replaced Christmas with a two week holiday..... named St. Gyro holiday.........(Please genuflects now)...................................Yiasou....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/01/2023 6:37 PM DST
There is a Greek Festival once a year not far from me. I would go but i don't want to dodge flying plates. For me, its Festivus for the rest of us.
People who have a low HRR are more likely to have conditions like:
Coronary artery disease.
Diabetes mellitus.
Heart failure.
An 18 beat drop in one minute is real good. A 17 beat drop is an average HHR. Worry at 12/13.
But there isn’t one magic number for everyone. What counts as a good heart rate recovery depends on many factors, including:
Whether you have cardiovascular disease.
Your age.
The exercise method you use and what you do during your “rest” period.
How long you rest before checking your heart rate.
So, where are your priorities? Dying from a possible cv event or dying from metastatic PCa?
Heal well,

thanks GD. Good news, i did my own treats today, manually. I treated four different times. The taste was 34 a couple times, and sing 40-45 the other two times. I still have coronary artery disease since 2015, but i work hard to keep it from getting worse.
Influence of CVS is a known side effect of 2nd generation drugs according to my knowledge. I would continue to exercise and measure. Often our bodies adjust over time.
Mine has dropped about 2bpm since starting darolutimide at the beginning of January, but I also started chemotherapy a week later, so I can’t point to darolutimide as the culprit.
In my case the fatigue from chemo has really cut into my cardio exercise intensity and regularity, so I suspect that’s the actual cause, and not any drug.
Thanks for pointing it out.