A friend forwarded the post about locamidazole or LAMZ to me the other day. I emailed him with some info that may be of interest to many of you.
Some years ago I read that vibration plates were being used to prevent bone loss in the elderly that were unable to exercise. Surprisingly it was also found that standing on a vibration accelerated the healing and recovery of soft tissues.
I'll paste the body of the email I sent to my friend below. Do with it as you wish. There will be much info on the net for anyone with an interest in this topic.
I scanned the article. Bone density was what was used as a standard measurement to gauge the effectiveness of the drug. You know about the vibration plates originally developed to prevent bone loss in astronauts on long term periods in space don't you? Then, after the astronauts use of these plates proved their value in preventing bone loss, vibration plates were used for the elderly unable to exercise to prevent bone loss. It was found that the plates not only prevented bone loss but accelerated soft tissue recovery such as when a patient had surgery. Imagine that! Next--the trainers for professional sports teams --such as the NFL--used these plates to hasten recovery of the athletes from workouts and injury! Many players bought their own vibration plates to use at home. Gym Source sold high end vibration plates and Amazon carries quite a selection of vibration plates.
Rather than chance side effects from a drug--buy a vibration plate--uhh--the only side effect will be when one opens their electric bill! Haa! Unfortunately, standing on a vibration plate is still --no sweat! Your toxins remain!
I looked at videos, read research and articles and so on to find out the info above.
My best to you all,