I have been drinking coffee since I was in college and maybe before that, I don't remember. But it has been an important part of my diet, primarily to give me some way of dealing with complex thinking in this busy world. Now, finally after many years with advanced prostate cancer, I realize that I have been filtering out what I actually need to kill my prostate cancer cells.
There are two components in coffee that scientists have found in 2019 to kill prostate cancer cells and slow down there reproduction rates...kahweal acetate and cafestol. However, the two components unfortunately do not pass through coffee filters.
For the past few weeks i have changed the way I make coffee. I no longer use paper filters in my coffeemaker. Instead, I put coffee grounds directly into my cup, then add hot water from my coffeemaker, and I like to add some vanilla Coffeemate. Then I remove most of the grounds with a metal seive. Unfortunately, the temperature of the coffee brew is lowered by both the seiving process and the coffeemate addition, so I microwave the coffee to get it really hot. There are tiny grounds that fall by gravity to the bottom of the cup, and I just let them do that.
I just felt that this is important to all the coffee drinkers out there, with advanced prostate cancer. There are other ways to accomplish the same thing. You can use a percolator type coffee maker or a French press type.
If you want to read about the scientific studies regarding this matter, try these: