Once lupron has run its course are there other Hormones available to continue the fight?
Lupron: Once lupron has run its course... - Advanced Prostate...

Lupron never stops working. You will always take it if you are metastatic. You may take other medicines as well.
If you become castration-resistant, i.e. the PSA value rises in spite of Lupron, you can add Abiraterone, Enzalutamide or Apalutmide to Lupron. Recent studies show that this is also beneficial applied earlier in hormone-sensitive patients who have bone metastases.
In Australia you can get a PSMA Lutetium therapy which will reduce the amount of metastases.
what is your testosterone level? It should be < 50ng/ML
I read your bio. You should be good for a long time. Your PSA is undetectable now and should remain there for some time. You should add aberaterone, enzaludimide, or another drug in this class now. Don't wait for the failure of Lupron.
I have been on Lupron going on five years but being castration resistant now and unable to tolerate chemo pills, radiation has helped keep the psa down.
Thank you.
When I previously asked a Question I had to mention: Burnett1948:. Can some one explain the procedure now please.