I know that many of you may have probably already read this study but I found the perspective fascinating. It supports the theory that what one eats does matter. Certain diets can cause inflammation and an imbalance of the microbiome in the gut, which may impact risk for developing and/or encouraging growth of PCa. Of course, there are many other variables that influence risk, as mentioned in the study.
The article does suggest that more research is needed in this area to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms at work and if there are treatments that could be developed and employed to provide another tool in the fight.
It should be noted that the study found that chemotherapy reduces the gut macrobiotic diversity. This macrobiotic diversity is generally associated with men with healthy prostates and a lack of macrobiotic diversity is associated with men with prostate cancer. This is not to say chemotherapy is not effective in many cases. However, it may also contribute to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer growth and its spread.